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501st SpecOps[TX]
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  • 501st Garrison
    Bast Alpha

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  • Costumes
    Shadow Scout
  • TotM Datestamp
    Feb 2014, Sept 2011

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  1. Don't know if this was mentioned, but I believe it's still required to paint the helmet visor bolts black (the round discs where the visor attaches and allows the face plate assembly to rotate up ), versus the silver/grey they are currently.
  2. My bad, gloss or semi-gloss black, thanks Izzi.
  3. Get the one that matches the glossiness of the armor. If the armor is high-gloss ABS, then get the patent leather ones. If the armor appears more like a semi-gloss, then I'd suggest the dull leather shoes, and apply some polish to them to bring them up to the level of glossiness of the armor. If you get the regular dull leather shoes, you can always buy some parade shine shoe polish (Kiwi Parade Gloss Black). This can look even better if you know how to use cold water and cotton balls to work the polish on the shoe (but this takes time). There is also Kiwi Honor Guard High Gloss Shoe Polish (a liquid) which looks great once applied (and dried). The drawbackto this polish is that it will crack over time where any flex in the leather is experienced (top side, behind the toe of the shoe).
  4. The helmet (and armor) should be a gloss black. Helmet decals are optional, but if they are applied then they must be black or dark grey in color. However, if my information is outdated, then someone please let me know. Also, not sure if anyone has seen the new Studio Creations scout helmets, but they are VERY nice! The previous 2-piece helmet back is now a single pull. I bought mine fully assembled and it came padded (Condor US military helmet padding). Additionally, he snout detail piece is much nicer than before (fills in the full snout, and is no longer just the engine and aerator detail pieces). Thanks, Caesar T.
  5. FYI, Studio Creations has reworked their helmet molds and are pulling the black ABS helmets with a one-piece back. I have one on order, and will provide images of it when it gets here (specifically requested the green/black lens not be installed and stickers not be applied) I am under the impression that they are also pulling the armor in black ABS also. you can contact them for info at info@studiocreations.com
  6. I know that feeling, and I can say that with the different builds people have, you can not expect one bandolier to necessarily fit another person (working on mine now... Oy!!) You need to custom fit it to yourself. Segment sizes and belt widths will vary depending on the person. Doubt mine will be ready for DC (but my other plans will be set in motion...)
  7. I'd have one, 'no matter the cost', unless it's too expensive
  8. I know a few people that may be able to aid me in constructing one of these. With that said, I guess I now have ANOTHER project that I need to get started on (hmmm.. may be fun to have at DC though
  9. Yes, I must concur. So no satchel charges strapped to the belly of their mode of conveyance, it must look like accident when they 'tragically' failed to perform preventative maintenance on their vehicle, then 'tragically' drove off the roadway when their brakes failed due to a lack of brake fluid, or air in the brake lines.. (not that I've actually ever done anything like that... )
  10. I agree, there seems to be far to many 'armor options' depicted for the storm commando. Some show scout chest pieces with standard cummeerbund, while others show armored ab and cod with a different chest. There is even a difference between the GG bust and the action figure, as far as detial of the bicep pieces and the appearance of the helmets. Between the artists and figures and busts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
  11. I noticed the flap on the back-side(specialist version) is on the outside, seeming hanging from the the back of the belt (immediately below the thermal detonator). It's supposed to be under the cummerbund/thong strap. If they're going to do that, why not just make it a full-on kamma?
  12. As I recall, there were snipers in these segments of the game * Chapter 1: Kamino o The Escape * Chapter 2: Cato Neimoidia o The Eastern Arch o The Western Arch
  13. it seems the brandished weapon would be the E-11 (rifle) with extended stock. The holstered one would likely be the carbine version, and with what appears to be a different scope. Also, as far the muddied-water between the storm commando and shadow scout is concerned, here's something to help make things clear as mud.. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_scout They state, "The storm commandos, also known as Imperial commandos or shadow scouts, were elite members of a branch of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps." They go on to say, "They were typically deployed into squads that consisted between three to six commandos. However, in certain missions that were considered suicide, squads consisted only of one or two individuals. They were normally deployed on operations against enemy leaders ranging from assassination to capture missions as well as destroying any important facilities used by their foes. They were even known to take part in assassination missions against a target". Not that any of these posts should be considered definitive proof or that those who post on this sight are by any means experts, but I do believe it has been used as a reference before (but dont quote me on that).
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