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501st SpecOps[TX]
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sonfield last won the day on February 1 2023

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About sonfield

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  • 501st Garrison
    Northeast Remnant

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  1. do you still need cal pics for soft parts only? I could suit up.
  2. All, just let me know if you need any more suit up pics or anything else. I can certainly do an armor off shoot if needed. Also, I can give you new pics on the weathered and new butt cap rifle
  3. This is the version 5 butt.. I think it is pretty perfect!
  4. What is your tenacious mix %? I also use abs like smoke. Love it. entire blaster, "backpack', shoulders, biceps on mine are resin. TPU straps, PLA+ all else. 1000% sure that most of the armor these days is rubber. Just finished resin boxes and also the version 5 and 6 buttstocks. Painting and posting today
  5. Went to Disney. It was too cold to even print in my basement. Will have new butt done for tomorrow.
  6. Can not wait to see what you do here!
  7. I used the latest butt stock that Chris designed. it seems pretty damn close.. quick video of it.
  8. You all have done a tremendous job here and can not thank you enough for your observations. Get er done!!
  9. These happen to be imperial boots. I removed logo in case these ended up in Crl. I do believe that there are other options though.
  10. Ok. Done for now until someone says something is wrong! I am going to suit up shortly and post those pice. But here are all of my components. Enjoy and feel free to ask any questions.
  11. Got a good ways yesterday. Here is a quick pan around. Silvering the buckle inserts shortly. Screen grabs from video as well.
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