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501st SpecOps[TX]
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TX-8728 last won the day on April 9 2015

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About TX-8728

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  • Name
    Jesse Martin
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Dune Sea Garrison

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    Starwars for sure, Video Games, Anime, Bowling, Painting, movies, much more

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  1. Super nice, one day Ill be a scout lol
  2. Ooooo fancy, I love the green lens, too bad they are not approvable Id so rock those !
  3. Just took this straight from CRL, Just can't tell how wide the belt is from picture, just make sure it falls within the guidelines for width. I do like the idea, but just a few things to keep in mind. How do you plan on mounting the front boxes do the belt? How are you going to hide the belt clasp? Also you have the think about mounting the thermal detonator.
  4. Same here I was told to use 110 when I started, Im sure something lighter would work though. sometimes the 110 can be a pain to work with.
  5. Not sure what you mean, After I glued the cardstock together, I loaded it with a few coats of resin then added two layers of fiberglass to the inside.
  6. I don't know how I have missed this. Pepakura is pretty awesome stuff. I have been working on a helmet but haven't messed with it in a while. Here is my progress on an ODST helmet from Halo Album should be public https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150546741549828.402182.804994827&type=3 Also here are some of the most recent pictures of it being bondoed, just need to sand a lot more hah
  7. Id recommend get a high grit sand paper 1500+| just to give paint something to stick too. Prime it up and I will always vote for dupli color because IMO it's by far the best. Krylon is decent but I have had problems with bubbling. Just make sure you hit it good with a clear sealant and you should be fine.
  8. Alright guys, been talking with Griff via facebook about this also, Came up with an idea. To make it more solid I bought a piece of 2" pvc and cut it at 7" that will fit inside the two halves. Also I figured I would use some Chicago screws (which are not called Chicago screws at lowes lol) to mount it to the belt to prevent sticky fingers from taking it but allows me to still easily remove it if need be. I haven't put it back together yet just wanted to get your take on the mounting. Here are two pictures one which is inside of canister and other will be the inside of belt.
  9. Alright guys, I been thinking about the whole Clips that secure it to belt. I was wondering how how much space is between the Canister and the Belt? I been thinking about just getting a solid black PVC pipe and bolting it to the belt but I wasn't sure if it needed space or if it could set directly on the belt. Clips are nice but fairly pricey and time is a factor.
  10. I didn't notice the one side was off slightly but Ill fix that. As far as trimming I can't say, I bought the armor off a former member so I'm not sure if he did or not.
  11. Hey guys, didn't want to bombard other guys thread about the canister. Today I been working shoulder bells and figured I would remove the silver tape from Canister. Well I have it tacked back together, just want to make sure it looks right. It could just be the silver trowing me off but It looks wrong, mainly the small gap bothers me. I also wanted to know if there was anyway to make it more durable how it is now it feels as if I drop it that it will bust in pieces. First off I am not sure how others canisters are. Mine is in 5 pieces, the two end caps the plate that has the bubble, then a front and back that make the cylinder. I have seen TK canisters which look like they have 6 pieces with the 6th piece being a whole pipe in the center and not two haves. Well thanks in advance
  12. Mine is the standard grey, here is a picture.
  13. Alright then, Guess for now I won't worry about it. Ill fix it when I get a free day and time to figure out what I need to do.
  14. Has it always been like that? Mine also has the silver
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