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  1. Do you have Ricky's legion username to help me find their topic?
  2. Juggernaut pilot is a term I have found in other places online, and I use it to differentiate between this and the other ICAT there is in the CRL. I do thank you for the other resources as it will benefit greatly in my search. I had already come across names such as IB and Jim Tripon, as well as Mudtrooper uk. The added names are very welcome in my search list. Thanks again!
  3. as of yet, I am too broke to focus on getting all extra equipment and such, but I think when I get to my mudtrooper build, I might start a basic and then shoot for the upgrade. my current goal (unless it is cheaper to aim for the better of 2), is just to get it approved once done. I'll shoot for the stars, one blaster after the other, instead of directly coming with orbital bombardements ?
  4. So, turns out that most of the hard and soft parts for the Juggernaut Pilot (referred to as Imperial Combat Assault Transport Driver in the CRL, link below) are used in the mudtrooper build as well. I was wondering where you folks got your parts (soft and hard) so that I can acquire some myself. I have to ask here since the ACD doesn't yet have many people who have gone for this build, and since we share a lot of common parts... Thanks in advance! -V Costuming:Imperial Combat Assault Transport Driver - Databank (501st.com) Costuming:TX - Mudtrooper - Databank (501st.com)
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