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501st SpecOps[TX]
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CureMode last won the day on February 4 2022

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About CureMode

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    New York

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  1. I thought I'd share my videos from my Walt's Trooper Factory Build these past 3 months. I received the kit in February 2021 and spent every weekend working on it, documenting every single step from Start to Finish. I did this as part of a project with my Garrison, the Empire City Garrison in NY, called the ECG Armory. It took 3 months, 22 Episodes, and around 60-70 hours to complete. I did speed up parts of the video that were redundant or repetitive, so it clocks in around 20 hours for all 22 episodes. I am proud to say my armor was approved last week, and I can add Shadow Trooper (TX-6744) as my 9th costume approval with the 501st Legion. Shout outs to ukswrath and Mike from Trooperbay, your videos and guides were a great resource and helped me build this as accurately as possible. All episodes are available on our ECG YouTube channel, and we have been posting them on our Facebook page every Friday. I hope they will be helpful in guiding and inspiring new and existing members to take on the challenge of building a costume. ECG YouTube Channel (Please Subscribe!) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1M4q-MhNpypp7nRPbt5UxQ ECG Armory Playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsLO4Zm1auAray-tjnzJ4xjTfuwAxptOi ECG Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/EmpireCityGarrison Thank You Chris Feehan Commanding Officer 501st Legion's Empire City Garrison TK-6744 / SL-6744 / TB-6744 / TI-6744 / IG-6744 / TX-6744
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