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Everything posted by Rossasaurus

  1. Complete Rookie here so I apologize if I’m asking already asked questions. I have reached out to Walts Trooper Factory to try and get my first Armour set. Shadow Troopers for the win. Does anyone have any advice or tips they wish they knew as a noob? I’m finally in a spot financially where I can treat myself but how much can I expect to spend on an full set? Also I am 6ft but 310lb so not small. WilL this cause any issues?
  2. Major,

    I am just dropping it to say hello and express my desire to join the ranks.

    I am currently seeking assistance in how to suit up and very excited to be a full member soon

    1. Halycon


      welcome to SpecOps :D

      thats one big thing this forum is for, to help!

      Ok you want to be a shadow trooper.. 

      we have almost the same size, i am 6.1ft and 242lbs.

      I got my armor from rs prop masters in england


      they offer a shadow stormtrooper actually, completely assembled or as a kit.... your choice!

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