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Everything posted by Diet_Evil

  1. While Im certainly open to offers, I get the size differance, this is not a kit you want badly.
  2. I'll preface that I recently moved to TN, but Ill pay the shipping.
  3. I went online and purchased nylon webbing. I used almost exclusively 1 inch but I probably should have used some wider bits for the suspenders on my torso. In terms of how much, its hard to say as Im pretty sure no two 501st death troopers are strapped the same ?. Certainly browse the forums and figure out the broad strokes of how to keep it on you. Some combination of velcro, "parachute clips", rivets, and snaps should work for you though.
  4. Hey Nick, Welcome. So as a person that went the same route as you're looking into (finished ASP for all my armor plates) I'll say this, fiber glassing the the backing on my parts I felt needed it was one of the quicker steps in my build. The strapping process took much longer and there really isn't a way to have that done before its in your hands. That said its fairly easy. Its really as simple as cutting the sheets to shape, mixing the resin, and painting it on and being careful to not have it drip on to the finish. All told it took a few hours, and when its 45min to suit up, thats not bad at all. Hope you stick with it which ever way you go, Death Trooper is a complex kit to but its quiet rewarding to have it on and stride out with it.
  5. Would likely be pretty tedious tackling the armor with a mini's scale airbrush (though I did use mine for the E11D barrel). Another option some have used is take it to a local automotive paint shop and have them paint it gloss black. That way you only have to mask and paint the alternating panels.
  6. Generally no (for sure no on Endorfinders) plates don't come with gloves, for a variety of reasons Im sure including the equipment needed and those gloves being common across several costumes Surprised what ever supplier / 3d file you're building off doesn't have them included with the main kit.
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