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501st Member[501st]
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About Fraserab

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  • 501st Garrison
    Imperial Scottish Garrison

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  1. They were classed as different "characters on set" I was designated as a checkpoint soldier for those of us that were given the helmets. The soldiers with armour and just the hat were rank and file infantry operating outside the base. Then the ones without armour were for those within the safety of the base as such. Atleast that's how it was explained to me on set I've just recieved my imperial boots soft parts and comparing it to my other stuff. The fabric isn't "exactly" the same but looks close enough to do the job. Construction looks spot on aswell. For the previous comments about the dye jobs, yeah it all depended on what fit you not what matched. All 3 of my items were a different hue and we were also stood in the rain all day
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