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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by darkjawas

  1. I would rather get a set of the armor in the red ABS then my back up plan of primer and paint a white set if there was a run of red armor i would so jump in
  2. I have a set of the AM armor the detials are poor and a lot of work has to go into making it look good not to count the trimming and assembly my helmet is KS and kit form was $150 i do at little work on it from time to time but it got put on the back burner when i got a fx TX armor kit
  3. recived mine this past saturday besides becoming a display piece it will be used for trooping ive waited to summit my TX in for appoval because the fx helmet doesnt look right on me (alittle bobblehead look) for the price i find is good for the helmet when compaired to other helmets out there that sell for 300+ (got 2 kids and limited costume budject) and this was my daddy's day present from the kids only thing i was wondering like the tk helmet do we need to add decials of the grey at the sides and back triangle ones ????
  4. be nice if trooper master did a run in the red like he is in the black it make life easyer then painting a white set of armor
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