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  • 501st Garrison
    Carolina Garrison

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  1. I was also wondering what if we added a rubber coating to the leather coat. I am wondering if I see rubber onto the leather coat of that would work.
  2. I have requested info on the coat from LFL to see if we can get anymore information.
  3. Oh very cool ok I can call the guys that do WW2 replicas and see what I can do to help.
  4. https://photos.app.goo.gl/YJ4PoZuV2T4AiMeM7 So it is a black tunic and pants
  5. The motorcycle slicker is the same jacket as listed as the calvery jacket as it was just transferred over. Also no it is a full leather jacket. Sending pics also did the extension.
  6. The shop has delayed my coat and it will be finished no later then the 19th. I have paint and everything else ready to go.
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