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Everything posted by resqd1

  1. Copy thanks I will look at measurements on those on the shoulder bells do they remain this big or can I take more off?
  2. Tape fitting… give me your thoughts and what you may see… I think I need to maybe do more trimming and the glue up with someone with experience.
  3. Got these boots for like $45 on Amazon. Will use black shoe polish on the brown along bottom. Other than that will these be approvable? Don’t want to polish them if not. someone mentioned grooves above but not sure what they meant…
  4. Lol copy. All plastic off copy ordered the boots
  5. Looking at boots… will these work???? Amazon Essentials Men's Chelsea Boot https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07QKN4NL7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2BTYQPEAJB534425CBET?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  6. Great progress today getting all the rough cuts done. Huge thanks to the South Valley Squad of the Central California Garrison.
  7. Just got my Shadow Trooper Kit ordered the eBay flight gloves ordered shoulder straps from storm trooper site ordered stuff for fans will need boots going to Fresno Armor Party May 21st so should have more pics then Trying to load image from Flickr but can’t get it to work. Oh well
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