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501st Reserve[501st]
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BikerScout98 last won the day on July 9 2023

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About BikerScout98

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  • Location
    St. Cloud, MN
  • Interests
    Anything Scout Trooper related. Video editing plus creating or revamping others videos and making them more entertaining, and volunteering & troopin' of course!

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  1. Basic Approved: https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=34428
  2. Here are the submission photos i just sent to my GML'S for basic approval.... Arms Down: Arms Up: Action Pose: No Bucket:
  3. Thanks as well @IcyTrooper Ryan! My Pathfinder Wip was more like a social thread than a build thread from time to time hehe. It was basically the catalyst for posting this Wip more organized, with hd photos and easy to follow from start to end. Im hoping to get approved quickly so i can get in on the run Phin Scout is currently handling. Four items in one run is not something i wanna miss out on. Lets just hope my Gml's feel the same way as both you Spec Ops staff do. I would be the only shadow scout in central garrison from what I've seen on our Website, and on socials but i could be mistaken... Off to it, next post will be my submission pics. Thanks again, -Scot
  4. Thank you @Dropkick Shane! I'll be suiting up today for my submission photos, i waited a day so as to install my electronics into my bucket (i.e. voice amp, mic, defogger system, and 4 fans). I make enhanced audio kits based slightly off of ukswraths design. Mine are completely wireless though, as with all my other electronics installed.
  5. Some photos of me suited up. Not for submission: So that's what I've got for this second build of mine. All in all it wasnt so bad, having just went through the lancer approval process for my rotj kit. Coming From that to this, this felt a bit more fun and relaxed. Thanks to everyone checking out this thread, and those so far for your comments, critiques, and general support. It's always appreciated and put to good use 😉👍. -Scot
  6. E-17 Holdout Blaster: DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle:
  7. Knee Armor: Boots: Holster: Neck Seal:
  8. Shoulder Armor: Upper Armor: Forearm Armor: Gloves:
  9. Some photos i took today of what I'm submitting for tier 1 & tier 2 approvals: Helmet:
  10. Armor First Looks on a mannequin (for any adjustments needing to be made before suiting up):
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