Whats this? Am no deid! Clearly I'm not, and neither is this build.
Basically I've been spending the last months trying (and failing) to get that indent done. The original plan was to just use a rotary tool and carve the indent out, and to skip the unneccesary baggage of the attempt, it didn't work well enough
Note the rather crunchy looking result.
Anyways, fill it in and try again. This time after asking some friends in the garrison I went for using an older soldering iron to burn the indent in, but also using half a large washer as a guide.
Hot glue the wsher down, heat the iron up, then draw the indent on. Easy right?
Yeah, this took multiple attempts, I kept filling it in, regluing the washer down, re-burning the grove, prime, sand, and repeat the process.
Eventually I got it to this level which I think looks "acceptable. I can see some imperfections on it which I may be able to fix with sandpaper and some more filler applied with a toothpick
Honestly this was hard, but does show it can be done, but better just to have the indent on the piece from the start.
Other things to mention just without pictures. I got a 3D printed kit for an E-10 that I've also been slowly chipping away at, and I ordered the soft parts from Jim Tripon. Photo's of that caming soon.