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501st SpecOps[TX]
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SirCalcium last won the day on August 17 2024

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    Imperial Army Trooper

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  1. I've done some looking across the web, and found something that looks similar to the one lonnolan linked. Scarf Like that one I may need to dye it the right colour Quick edit, I found another one on ebay that also looks the part. scarf 2
  2. Thinking about some other soft parts, as mentioned the gloves I got with the kit may be too small for my hands, however I know what gloves to get and an eBay/amazon search yeilded results. The scarf on the other hand, I can't seem to find it on eBay or Amazon (maybe I should try Etsy?), best results I find are the mesh sniper scarfs, which based on the CRL image aren't the right product. Any advice for the scarf? May as well ask if there's any vendors that make the ammo pouch bandolier?
  3. Yep. It was. Here's hoping I've passed this stage.
  4. Whats this? Am no deid! Clearly I'm not, and neither is this build. Basically I've been spending the last months trying (and failing) to get that indent done. The original plan was to just use a rotary tool and carve the indent out, and to skip the unneccesary baggage of the attempt, it didn't work well enough Note the rather crunchy looking result. Anyways, fill it in and try again. This time after asking some friends in the garrison I went for using an older soldering iron to burn the indent in, but also using half a large washer as a guide. Hot glue the wsher down, heat the iron up, then draw the indent on. Easy right? Yeah, this took multiple attempts, I kept filling it in, regluing the washer down, re-burning the grove, prime, sand, and repeat the process. Eventually I got it to this level which I think looks "acceptable. I can see some imperfections on it which I may be able to fix with sandpaper and some more filler applied with a toothpick Honestly this was hard, but does show it can be done, but better just to have the indent on the piece from the start. Other things to mention just without pictures. I got a 3D printed kit for an E-10 that I've also been slowly chipping away at, and I ordered the soft parts from Jim Tripon. Photo's of that caming soon.
  5. I know there is a vendor on Etsy that sold them, called Spatcave. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1430704966/imperial-army-trooper-web-harness Listing says sold out, but might be worth a go message him?
  6. It would have to be the CRL version. Honestly it's not hard to make. You need a length of 2 inch (or 55mm) wide olive green nylon webbing, some adjustment slides, and at least 2 hooks from the front. The back can attach to the belt from loops made from the vertical webbing
  7. Been off working, and simply priming the parts before painting, however I'd rather get the semi circle carved in before I make that step with the backplate. After doing some measuring, and taking note of given advice, here's what I've sketched Heres hopefully I've got that looking right before I go carving
  8. FB link https://www.facebook.com/Herotecxgermany Etsy shop, they don't sell the flightsuits from there, however you could use it to message them https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/HeroTecX Best of luck, and don't hesitate to ask/pester if you've got any further questions
  9. Good to hear the holes will work, my only concern is during the filling, painting and other repairs they may need cleaning out, again I can use a rotary tool for that. Other thing to ask, is the suggested size and location for the semi circle indent also suitable? Other than those, I've been chipping away at the belt boxes (usual finishing work for 3D prints)
  10. They operate primarily from Facebook, and I know they have an etsy, also I did cabbage the name slightly, Herotec X
  11. Herotek X make ready to go coveralls. Other than that you'd either have to modify an olive green coverall into the required design, or make it from scratch.
  12. A quick update this time. I've been steadily working on the armour pieces, plenty of print lines to be filled in, and I'm waiting till I've got the parts primed and ready for painting before I show them off here. As for the missing detail on the backplate, I bought a compass and marked out where the indent could be. I followed the guide @minimo suggested being 5-5.5cm wide, and 2 - 2.5 cm high. Looking at my backplate and comparing it to the CRL model, would I need to redo the holes that I circled? If yes I'm sure I could achieve that effect with a rotary tool and a cylindrical or spherical sanding bit Side note trying the remove the print lines on the walls of the indents, and the grids is hard!
  13. Finally got something to report. My search for off the shelf paints that matched the pantone colours proved futile, so I went and bought the paints online, however before I can get to painting I've got some clean up on the parts. First, when I bought the armour one of the shin pieces needed fixing Along with that noticeable bit of damage there's plenty of cracks, whilst that would be some interesting battle damage, I know it won't fly, meaning I've got to fill it. It gave me a good opportunity to try a Upol glazing and Spot putty I've heard of. I'm impressed with this filler putty, even though I'm not a fan of the 2 compound versions. Would prefer if it could come pre mixed Not perfect yet, but it's getting there and I will update when it's ready to paint Bicep armour, not much to talk about, I've just been trying to fill the gaps. Will post an update when they too are good to go Now onto a (potentially) bigger issue, whilst rereading the CRL I noticed this line for the back plate "Half circle indent detail beneath the backpack section must be present." And I looked at mine Oh no! I'm guessing the first owner (aka the one who printed it) didn't realise that detail was missing, but given it's a mandatory requirement I've got to put that detail in. My thought to do this was to just carve or mill out the indent with a rotary tool, however I don't know the dimensions of the indent (how wide, high and deep it must be) Just for additional safety, is there an other missing/incorrect details on my back plate? Bit of a lengthy update, but I do appreciate any feedback
  14. Bit of an update. I went to my local Halfords to find said paint, and I'm note sure when but they seem to have changed their paints because they don't stock Vauxhall Leaf Green. Whilst in store, I was advised of a local business that mixes spray paints, but to RAL classic codes. I did ask if they did used Pantone codes, they don't. I've done some looking and I know Pantone can be converted to RAL classic, but would it work? I took these screenshots from a site that did conversions
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