Can you pm pricing on this. I'm wanting to do a DT but I will have to buy it piece by piece since the straight out cost for a full suit is out of my range. Thanks!
Update, so I'm gonna start cutting on the armor next Sunday, so of course that means armor party cookout! Got a friend who is going to pepakura me the helmet for $50. Still needing to find the "fett" style gauntlets. Ill post WIP pics when I get them. :-)
The finger armor, not worried about. I'll just wear my black jump suit for the under armor. Like I said, doesn't have to be perfect. Since I'm using my sand trooper armor which is HIPS I would like something simular to that. Not sure on budget. Don't want to go over $200/$250 if I have too but will I need be since I already have most of the gear. I can handle the light's for the helmet. Just need the build and I'll do al the "fine" tunni g myself. :-)
Ok peeps I have a good friend of mine names Ed Crandell. He is the author of a series of books called West World. One of the characters is named Gnomon Chase. I was wanting to suprize him this year at Connooga in February by making this character come to life. So, my questions is, is there anyway I can get one of you guys to make this for me? It doesn't have to be perfect just close and the approximate cost for this? Either reply here or send me a pm. Thanks!!
Anyone seen this guy before? he has reference material, looks to be easy to do, and actually looks cool. KInds like a special ops, cobra commander, mystrio, imperial gunner mix. I'd be willing to give it a try if i can get some of our armor making bud's to help out with the casting...?
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