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Everything posted by Ammonites

  1. You'll need a new helmet, biceps and belt, but the rest should be interchangeable. I was thinking of doing the same actually.
  2. I found it on Amazon, had to purchase it alongside 7 other colors but it was the only way to get Red in the right width. Suppose I could do a non-approved bandolier with pink for cancer awareness special events, but not sure what to do about the other six colors. The amount I got has enough for the fronts of 2 bandolier sets of the right color. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O547XRU?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
  3. I found some red nylon webbing that fits through the slots perfectly. Finding that the resin, while it looks great, is a bit more weighted. I have enough of the webbing to try for 2 bandoliers, so the next will be printed using filament.
  4. Had a few other projects going, but starting to get back into this with black filament. Printing out the bucket, doing it in black filament but will still do black semi-gloss paint after all the print lines are smoothed out.
  5. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): All aspects of the bandoleer shall be weathered and look worn.
  6. Biceps printed and painted, first forearm piece printed and painted. Also starting to 3D print the bandolier pieces in resin. Something I noticed, the CRL says to use 1" webbing for the front, but that seems to be a bit thin. Also, the files have an opening for 1.25" webbing.
  7. A few days later and a couple more pieces printed, working with filler primer and getting the first forearm piece worked on. Also the webbing for the bandolier just arrived, have 1" wide and 2" wide as per the CRL instructions.
  8. Star Wars kit bashing Star Wars model kits to make costumes? Very interesting info!
  9. I'm going to be 3D-printing my build, the main files will be MrPoopie's TB files from the Pathfinder forums, I used these to get my JFO Scout approved. Did the biceps first, they were one of the most troublesome pieces to smooth out from past experience, so getting these out of the way first. Main bicep printed with PLA filament, the T-bit resin printed. A few layers and sanding of filler primer, Rustoleum gloss black and apple red.
  10. I'd like to request the files for download, I accept the terms and look forward to adding General Weir to my arsenal
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