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Jankes last won the day on November 5 2023

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1 Follower

About Jankes

501st Info

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  • Costumes
    Imperial Army Trooper
  • TotM Datestamp
    Apr 2023

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  • Location
    Poznan, Poland

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  1. I'm very proud of work you have done. You look very good and I hope our IAT brothers will also like it. Good job! 👍
  2. On Sunday, July 2, we took part in a special photo session, which was a prize auctioned for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (I described this event above on February 3). The family that won the auction had the opportunity to take unique photos with us in costumes from Star Wars. They could also dress up. This meeting was also an opportunity to take private photos, which I publish below.
  3. On June 16-18, I took part in the largest fantasy convention in Poland called Pyrkon. I am lucky that it takes place in my hometown in PoznaƄ. The event lasted three days. Due to the fact that I was very much involved in the construction of the entire Polish Garrison stand the day before, and I was saving my strength to dismantle it after the event, I didn't have much opportunity for trooping alone. This explains why I have so few photos. Most of the time I was support, as a service and guarding our exhibition.
  4. On June 3, 2023, I took part in a family picnic organized at a school in KaĆșmierz near PoznaƄ.
  5. On June 1, 2023, during the Children's Day celebrated in Poland, we visited our local Pediatric Center. Volunteers cooperating with the hospital organized many attractions for small patients on that day. One of them was the opportunity to meet us in costumes. In addition, I have prepared an arrow shooting range for everyone.
  6. On May 20, 2023, I took part in a family festival at a school in Kamionki near PoznaƄ. During the event, we prepared a small exhibition of SW accessories and a dart shooting range.
  7. On May 6-7, I took part in the first edition of the "Cosmicon" event at the Silesian Planetarium in ChorzĂłw.
  8. On May 4, 2023, exactly on Star Wars Day, as part of the action organized between the Legion and Lego, I took part in the celebration at the official Lego store in PoznaƄ, in the Posnania Shopping Center. It was very nice to meet many SW fans, at the end of the day we received sets from lego as a gift. It was great, hope to do it again next year.
  9. On April 22, 2023, I took part in an event called Star Wars Day in ƻnin. Everything happened in a post-industrial area, an old sugar factory that was revitalized and turned into a hotel with a rich recreational offer, a swimming pool and a spa. This event will stay in my memory for a long time. It was a convent that was focused solely on Star Wars, there were no other universes. I was blown away by the huge audience, the vast majority of whom were very Star Wars oriented. Practically everyone was wearing a t-shirt or some accent (backpack, pin) related to our world. It was very nice to be among my own people. In addition, during this event I gave my first lecture entitled "Weapons from the (un)far galaxy", in which I presented the genesis of selected blasters in relation to historical shooting structures.
  10. Nice beginning, keep going!
  11. Apart from TU, please show us back of helmet. Neck part has to be smooth.
  12. In the picture we see Lt. Janek Sunber, he's not regular IAT, this costume has its own CRL
  13. On Saturday, April 15, 2023, I took part in the II. th edition of the Halszkon fantasy convention at the school building in SzamotuƂy near PoznaƄ. Together with friends from Polish Garrison, Eagle Base and Vu'traat Clan, we created a small exhibition of SW accessories in one of the classrooms. In addition, all the children who came had the opportunity to use our Imperial Shooting Range.
  14. Hi, TK belt is optional item, it has to be worn as an accessory. Pouches are feature that is required for approval. TK belt is worn over belt, over the pouches.
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