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501st SpecOps[TX]
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  1. Sure no problem i need to prepare it for the 2024 Training day and So ill take measurements of it. Let you know today or tomorrow.
  2. We had a troop this past sunday and had the chance to wear the helmet. However I noticed too late that I had the bells on the wrong side. Still the whole thing looks great I love this costume so much, specially because it can be worn 3 ways. Which brings the following quesiton: When will there be a version 3 on the CRL? which is basically V2 with helmet. I also added the holster and Merr-Sonn P5, and the E10.5 sling. Anyways here are a few pics.
  3. I worked on th ehelmet over the weekend and here are a few images.
  4. I got a message from him that he cant approve it only remove.
  5. Just got approved on the V1 uniform. What is the protocol to get formally afiliated to the Spec Ops? Thanks
  6. Agreed, I think it might be best to cut from the top cause it's hidden in part by the bells. It sees that's the way they did it.
  7. This is what I will do, the biceps in some of the show characters are shortened (cut). See this image.
  8. yes and painfull, I got pinched several times and even with the thick fabric.
  9. On the Biceps, I glued (e6000) on one side, and used industrial Strength velcro on the back side. They are very tight so I had to remove almost all the lip. They Stay in place but it is a little dificult to flex. They have a strip of double sided velcro that attached to the underside of the bells. I can move freely but it is dificult for me to bend more than 90 degrees my arms. I am thinking on probably cut them a little shorter by about 1/2 inch. The straps are black but look rubbery, so I used the same paint I used on the armor. The back plate needs modification, you will need to add the sideflaps so that they properly attach to the front plate.
  10. Finished both verison 1 and 2 Version 2
  11. I value your work you have put on this, I know its a very time consuming task and I'm greatful of all of what you have done. However I will have to agree to dissagree. Here is my armor painted flat black and on a grass covered floor, it looks dark grey with green undertones, it is next to one of the show and the CRL images. Thanks
  12. Id like to revisit this since i'm in the process of paiting the armor. As I've stated before I believe the armor is flat black and here is my case. What we need is a reference of a known object so we can compare in different lighting and enviromental conditions. I'd like to point out the leather belt as that object. Take a look at these 2 images (CRL vs Show) You can also check the belt boxes. In the show the boxes have far more contrast than the one on the CRL. Can we at least add the flat black as an option on there?
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