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Detachment Costume Advisor[CMD-DCA]
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DoggyDoc last won the day on August 30

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About DoggyDoc

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  • Costumes
    Imperial Death Trooper
  • TotM Datestamp
    Nov 2023

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    : Cambridge, ON

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  1. @productionsbykyle My apologies actually, for some reason, I thought that you posted on someone else’s build thread. You are fine posting it here, but if you have several questions about different parts, then it is definitely easier to have everything on one post, rather than spread over several.
  2. Hi Kyle. Probably best to start a build thread for your kit so we can answer questions there. Many have used JB Weld plastic bonder for bonding the armour pieces and attaching greeblies. The front of the shin is bonded and then the gaps will need to be filled with Bondo or some similar type of filler. Careful when putting the shins on, as they don’t open as easily as ABS pieces and can easily crack along the front part when opening the back.
  3. I used Alclad2 Hot metal paints https://alclad2.com/finishes/hot-metal/
  4. Great progress so far Carter. Anything flat can be used to fill the vents, such as a piece of ABS, or you could print plates to fill them. If you use something like the subtract feature on blender, you could create a flat plate and use the helmet piece to clip the contacting surface, so it will fit exactly.
  5. Welcome back Carter. I enjoyed following your build thread for your TK on FISD and will look forward to following your Death trooper as well.
  6. Most use imgur. It is free and will store all of your images for you. If you select direct link from the photo on imgur, you can paste that into the post and the photo will show up. Make sure to use direct link and not image link
  7. I had the same issue with my armour. It was about 1 month after I finished it. The bags I had my pieces I. Were fleece on one side and a knit pattern on the other. I had the knit in against the armour for some reason and it imprinted on the pieces. I was able to buff the marks out with a car polisher. I always put the fleece against the armour since and it has been okay. it is as if it just doesn’t cure properly. It was hot when I did it outside big I immediately brought the pieces inside to dry. That may be the cause
  8. Hi Jeroen with respect to the shins, I also had to expand mine some. I think I covered the process on my build thread, by which I added the fibreglass. With the pouches, I feel the plate should completely cover the front panel of the pouch. With your pouches a bit under filled, my concern would be that the plate may be a bit small when the pouch is completely filled.
  9. Hi Collin. Great start. Looking forward to following your build. Always feel free to ask lots of questions. We are here to help
  10. I think the shoulder placement looks fine from the photo but the resolution isn’t great. ‘Your method of attachment seems to be correct as well
  11. Hey Jacob. Jim’s pieces will need prep work before you can paint. You will need to fill pinholes with Bondo, or UV resin in my case, it will need sanding and then prime , paint and clear coat. The shins will need to be attached in the front and filled and sanded. Jim’s Kit comes with most of what you need but many have upgraded things like the belt buckle, belt boxes, shoulder straps, buckles. on Jim’s kit, I have a hard time envisioning attaching them to the chest as they will sit too far forward.
  12. Hi Jacob, welcome to spec ops. Jim makes a great kit, you won’t be disappointed. You will find a big difference in the reactions between Vader and the death trooper. Lots of fun to wear.
  13. Welcome to spec ops Gary. You will have this approved soon enough. It is so close.
  14. I did not weather my armour, so the recessed lines were not painted but left gloss black. For weathering, most use a grey/white wash for the effect
  15. I used the Tamiya Metalic black with an airbrush. I masked off the black areas which were painted first, then clear coated over everything. I then masked off the non matte black areas and did a matte clear coat over the gloss one to give the matted finish
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