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Shade last won the day on May 22 2015

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  • 501st Garrison

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  1. Hey, I was looking around on Amazon and found this pouch set which might be great for people doing elite nova or sandtrooper. It will still need to be died black, but I think they'd definitely work! They're a lot cheaper then I've seen other places since they're just canvas replicas, but I kinda like the shape better. Here's the link to the listing: http://www.amazon.co...3YZKMRCXH&psc=1 Or even this one. It's 2 dollars more, but it's comes dark blue which might take less time to get black then the tan ones: http://www.amazon.com/Generic-German-Luftwaffe-Force-Pouch/dp/B00GMO6SHC/ref=pd_sim_sbs_193_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=079KG7RPG4CCJ2EV12EW
  2. Call me crazy... new build undertaking?

  3. Ah! Completely forgot about that place! I might have to pick up the belt and some mesh from there! Might grab it as an early gift and ask for everything else I don't have as Christmas gifts, haha. People will be so confused: "Why does he want a set of ammo pouches and horse riding boots?" xD
  4. Hey everyone, been away from my build for quite a while with school and work. I looked over what I have and what I need, and I can't really seem to find where to get a black canvas belt. Any suggestions on what worked for other people, good prices, etc? Also, if canvas isn't the best route, what is? Thanks!
  5. Wow, that looks like an awesome shine! Now I see why shiny ABS can be preferable over HIPS. Hardest part I've have so far is just making everything look nice and smoothly shiny, haha. Kinda wish I had gone this route for a little more ease of the whole process Best of luck on the build!!
  6. Update time (pic heavy, haha): Worked with the heat gun on a bunch of pieces to shape them a little better where they were a bit flared out and whatnot. Started gluing a strip on the inside of the shin pieces Had to get a little crafty when I ran out of clamps Both biceps glued together Bent the belt Also bent the ammo belt Sanded primed and painted the helmet... And what it looks like right now.. I am kinda frustrated at the back- it still has this pebbly dull looking finish for some reason. The front looks OK to me, but I might need some tips or advice on how to make the back look smoother and shinier :/
  7. Ah, nice find! I still need to get some shoes sooo, maybe sometime I can drop by there and see if they have a pair in my size. Great price too!
  8. Yeah, there are actually quite a few sellers that will sell "lite" kits without a helmet included. I think the helmetless ones usually run for around 400 or so? But yeah, you can definitely find kits without the helmet, and getting the ARAKYEL one would save you a lot of time and stress trying to paint and assemble it.
  9. Working on my new hybrid armor set!

  10. Love putting everything together I think I am going to go with the shirt I already have, I thinks it's a Starter moisture wicking one and order a pair of Eastbay pants. Still need to get some pouches, acceptable shoes, pauldron, and some parts for the backpack. Here's how the parts are coming along for the pack, I have the pvc for the frame, side tube, and 5 smaller sections out in the garage. Here's a close-up of how the radio is coming
  11. Update: Getting close to being done with a lot of the "major" trimming. Still have work to do on the thighs, greaves, and forearms. Other than that, most pieces are ready to either start glueing or painting. Do most people glue than paint? or just glue parts together and glue strapping after painting? Here's the helmet as of now The new condensed mess Not sure whether or not to try and fix this or just round out the back of all of the greaves pieces. Might even make for more mobility? Thoughts on what to do? Should I just put a little epoxy putty here to reinforce this part? And on this part- should I just use a heat gun and flatten it out? Also wasn't sure on how much more, if any, I should trim of the bottom of chest piece. Heat gun again I guess? Gluing biceps right now Getting back pack stuff together (not everything in here yet, lol) going pretty loose on interpretation, but trying to stay as close as I can And the radio I'm working on (still got a ways to go here)
  12. Update: Worked on fine trimming the pieces some and getting the helmet assembled. Also, took a nice burn from some hot glue I used on something else :\ Here's a clamp closing a huge gap Close up of helmet The mess in the den
  13. Looks like Christmas came early today! Got a package in the mail from Scootch and excitement doesn't even describe how I feel, haha I still need to exchange a couple thing (that I bought and decided not to use ) I had a shirt to use for the undersuit, but, I might just end up getting the eastbay stuff since it's got a good deal going, and most troops for me will probably be scorching.
  14. That's going to look really sweet when finished! You should definitely make a build thread once you start!
  15. Oh, lol, sorry bout that, didn't notice your post till now. Word of caution about doing one if you haven't before, card stock or something think than normal computer paper is definitely preferable. I had to reinforce a lot or it because of the "weak" start, but good luck with yours!
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