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Everything posted by Dexas

  1. That would be amazing! Thanks man. I finally figured out a fool-proof process for sanding and filling, so I've moved onto painting this week. Up until now I've been using the British version of Rust-oleum filler primer, but have now moved onto Mr Hobby. Mr. Finishing Surfacer 1500 Primer. When combined with Mr Hobby Levelling thinner it can be sanded with super-fine grit paper (1000+) and ends up with a glass like finish... ... Though I'm weathering my armour ... 🤔 Anyway, that would be my recommendation for priming!
  2. Hey man, How did you secure the grenade/thermal detonator on the back plate? I've looked through the thread but can't find your solution for some reason. Thanks!
  3. Thanks man. I think I'll experiment with the UV resin, but I'm erring on the side of ribbed rubber... just a bit worried about the strength. I'm very close to completing my armour now, just fixing up the shins - they are by far the hardest piece of the kit imo. Sanding the ladders in the forearms was finicky, but the shins just don't fit together. I'm still sanding/dremelling the seams to get them as flush as possible before gluing, but it's taking forever.
  4. Hey guys, Any tips for addressing the pinholes on the thigh ribbed section? So far (and depending on where the holes are) I've been attacking them with miliput/p38 (aka bondo)/spot putty/resin, but the ribbed section on the thighs looks like the Somme battlefield or something. I'm tempted to cut them out and replace them with some ribbed rubber I have lying about from a previous build, but I don't want to compromise the strength too much. Cheers!
  5. Amazing. Thanks very much... I'm going to have a good look at them today, I don't think it's a big job, just a case of figuring out the best place to cut it. TBF, I just looked at a picture of them and they don't look too loose... I'm probably just being pedantic.
  6. Hmm yeah, that's what I was thinking as well... I actually have some rubber matting for the thigh parts left-over from another build, so I'll have a look and see if I can fashion something... I'm pretty much the exact build/height/size as the R1 DT's, so I'm very used to clothes needing to be altered before they fit me haha. Out of curiosity, how much space should there be between the thigh and the armour piece? I was going by the "thumb rule" (being able to fit my thumb inside the piece on all sides at the same time), but the CRL picture definitely looks more fitted than that.
  7. Hey guys, I'm almost done with my kit now, but I've decided I want to take the thighs in by an inch. When I stand up straight (wearing all the soft parts), I can fit my whole hand inside the thigh piece, so it looks a bit... tacky. The rest of the armour fits me snuggly, and having massive thigh pieces clonking about would be far too annoying. Does anyone have some advice where to trim it down? Looking at the thigh piece there isn't an obvious point to cut without messing up some details. Thanks!
  8. Random question: I've been fixing the minor imperfections on my helmet ready for priming and painting this week, have you noticed if your is slightly off centre? When I look at mine head on, the nose ridge (in-between the metal grill and eye slit) is slightly wonky. At first I assumed it was my dodgy eyes, but my girlfriend had a look and she can see it as well. Its barely noticeable (and I doubt it will be visible once it's painted), but it's definitely there.
  9. Oh I see, yeah that makes more sense. I'll have to look at it again, I think I assumed that the underneath of the vents was too deep to accurately mount the mesh. But yeah, thanks. A frame is a great idea. I have a voice changer (somewhere in the house) that I'll need to mount as well.
  10. That is a smashing idea. For some reason I was thinking that the mesh needed to be underneath the vents. So glad I asked before attacking it with a drill haha.
  11. Had any thoughts how to line the helmet vents with the mesh? I can make the holes in the vents easy enough, but not sure how to get the mesh in...
  12. Cosplayvicar on Youtube does a great short guide on how he painted his helmet (with links to the paints and stuff).
  13. How did this work out? I was planning on sanding mine smooth, but if your way is quicker and easier then I’m doing that haha.
  14. I'm not sure what buckles Jim will supply us with (mine comes on Friday fyi), but Plastic Arms Dealer have a couple of good ones: Shoulder Straps: https://plasticarmsdealer.com/products/death-trooper-shore-trooper-hard-rubber-shoulder-straps-and-buckles?_pos=1&_sid=c405b6f55&_ss=r Side Buckles: https://plasticarmsdealer.com/products/death-trooper-side-buckles?_pos=5&_sid=c405b6f55&_ss=r And also some great rubber webbing for the thigh pieces: https://plasticarmsdealer.com/products/screen-accurate-sheet-of-hard-rubber-for-death-trooper-thighs?_pos=8&_sid=c405b6f55&_ss=r
  15. This is the belt I ordered: https://www.trooperbay.com/products/rogue-one-death-trooper-belt-webbing-and-buckle?_pos=1&_sid=58f48f3cd&_ss=r Got a buckle from phoenix props: https://www.phoenixprops.net/products/death-trooper-belt-buckles Edit: forgot the second link.
  16. Yes! This is my second dt kit, but I’ve never worked with fibreglass before so it’s going to be an adventure! Did you manage to hunt down some good files for the blaster STL’s? I’ve been looking around for a while, but I don’t trust Etsy at all haha.
  17. Hi! I've ordered the same kit from Jim this week as well and I'm also going to rock a DLT-19D, so hopefully you can share some tips as you progress! (Though my soft parts are from imperial boots).
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