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  • 501st Garrison
    Carolina Garrison

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    Star Wars, Gaming, and Music

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  1. I found a 3D file of the whole set of FO Jet Trooper armor on Etsy, from LABELworkshop. I found the boots and gloves from keeptrooping.com. The only issue I have so far is the undersuit/gaskets, and the armor on top of the boots. Both Sith Trooper and Sith Jet Trooper have the same undersuit/gaskets and boot armor. Once I find those items, I will have the whole kit ready to be built. Since you are a Sith Trooper, perhaps we can work together on where to find the items, or make them. If so, that would be awesome!
  2. Awesome! Once I find a good set of gaskets, that should complete the list of where to find all the parts needed for my kit. Then it would just be the matter of purchasing/printing them all. Thank you all for the help of where to find items! 🤙
  3. I am struggling to find the right flight suit/gaskets needed for the kit. There was one that ArmoryShop sold, but they are dealing with the war/sanctions thing in Russia. Trying to find one that can possibly be at least Level 2 or 3 approved.
  4. Are there any 501st Members who completed a Sith Trooper, that can help me out with some questions?
  5. Just a little update regarding sources to find pieces for the Sith Jet Trooper. As of right now, I have found everything but the shoes, uniform, and the gloves. I did manage to find the costume designer of both the First Order and Sith Jet Troopers. If I'm able to make contact with him, I'll try to see if I can find reference pictures on each individual item. Once I find those, I will try to purchase or make everything needed. Then, I will post and show everything about the products and what needs to be done to them.
  6. Ohh, okay. So all you need to do is post the link, correct?
  7. Sorry about the quality of the pictures. Had to resize it smaller, so it doesn't reach the maximum total file size.
  8. Introduction This topic is going to be where I'll be posting my process of building Sith Jet Trooper armor and explaining all the steps made towards building it. Instead of waiting until I'm finished with my Mando armor, I will be working on this armor as well. My estimated due date could be close towards the end of this year, or early next year. References Now, both the First Order Jet Trooper and Sith Jet Trooper are exactly the same as each other, besides the color and the color of the little emblem on the chest piece and jetpack. The only major difference between the two is their weaponry. FO Jet Troopers use the G125 Projectile Launcher, which can act as a standard blaster or launch explosive rounds from the 3 barrels attached around the main barrel. Sith Jet Troopers use the F-11ABA Heavy Blaster Cannon and can also use the ST-W48 blaster, the standard issue blaster for regular Sith Troopers. Below, I will post all my references that I have found on Google. As well as pictures from the photo references available on this Detachment's forum.
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