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Navajo Bro

501st SpecOps[TX]
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    Oct 2012

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    Neptune, NJ
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    Star Wars, Mixed Martial Arts, Tattoos, trooping

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  1. I can't speak for ANOVOS because they have yet to actually produce anything so no one knows what the base kit size will be, but pretty much all armor is considered one size fits most and you have to adjust it to your body. The cut lines would be for the average size person, then if you are smaller you have to take a little more off (making your own cut lines or carefully cutting bit by bit until you reach your mark) and if you are bigger then you might have to actually add plastic shims to extend stuff. For normal TKs some kits are geared towards specific body types. I think it's RS and/or ATA (forgive me if I'm wrong) that are based off of screen used sizes - meaning the actors that played the Stormtroopers in the '70s, so if you are bigger then like 5'10" and 160lbs you will probably need to add shims to fit. And visa versa the AM kits are geared towards larger fellas, which is great if you are 6' and 225 lbs then you can fit in pretty easy. Of course for an AM kit if you are only 5' and 100 lbs you would be better off with a different kit. Hope that sheds a little light on sizing, I know it's a little weird or confusing when you are first starting out. Most established armor makers have information on specific sizes and min / max if applicable, but it's great to ask questions if you don't know
  2. I would love to see that built, and it'd be great to see it here. According to your research we'd certainly have a good argument to keep it. I would imagine the only other place that could even consider it would be the Imperial Officer Corps? It sorta looks like they are wearing Officer-like outfits, and over there they have Crewman and Navy Troopers, but like I said according to your definition I would imagine we could take them here.
  3. Looking great man, awesome job on the boots
  4. I wear contacts but have tried on all my various buckets with glasses just so I can help with advice like this, lol. Snowtrooper, Clonetrooper, Royal Guard and Mandos forget it, usually way to tight. I can't even wear them without squishing my nose lol. TK buckets aren't really good either, although I have seen one Garrison mate accomplish this, he had smaller rimmed glasses and had to use the FX style bucket. Same goes for Tie since they are pretty much the same. Biker/Shadow Scout helmets seem to be the best for having enough room to wear glasses. I can do it and I know several other members who can as well. I'm not sure about Gunner but I don't think you could do it there either. You could always go with a Navy Trooper or Veers style helmet, unfortunately they wouldn't be Special Ops but it would still be a great costume
  5. Wow that is fantastic work man, thanks for sharing !!
  6. One of our new memers is really into zombie stuff, and he has a Biker he is planning on converting to a Death Scout as soon as he can afford the extra pieces, if he gets it done I'll make sure he shares some pix
  7. Awesome and I'm sure it'll be very helpful!
  8. Here's the Walmart one I like the best: Check out the website page, it's Sterilite brand they have various colors: http://www.walmart.c...t-of-2/16415911 Online that price is for TWO... at the store they are like $19 each or something Hope that helps!
  9. Don't laugh, yes I have a sickness, but here are some of my costumes: Jedi General, Old Ben, 181st Tie, Shadow Scout, Biker Scout and custom Mandos all fit in the Walmart Brand bin: The Neyo and TK are in larger, 35 gallon bins, but could probably fit in smaller if I had too: Snow Scout, Snowtrooper and "Ashtrooper" are all in 30 gallon bins, smaller then the ones for Clone and TK but bigger then the Walmart bins:
  10. Absolutely, I took pictures yesterday afternoon and uploaded them but can't link while I'm at work - I'll post later afternoon / tonight when I'm off
  11. Depends on the type of costume and if you want the helmet inside it or seperate. I have a bunch of different kinds of costumes and almost all of them are in the generic Walmart box Jim has posed on the top here. They are completely awesome for transport and storage, I love them! I can fit in them: full Biker w/ helmet, full Tie Pilot w/ helmet, custom Mando w/ helmet (small backpack, no rocket or backplate though), Jedi General (w/ armor), regular Jedi, Admiral Veers, X-Wing pilot, and a few more. I have some larger, like 30-35 gallon rubbermaid bins for my Snow Scout, Snowtrooper, Commander Neyo and upcoming Animated Clone. They could fit in the Walmart bin but not with the helmet, and I like to have the buckets with the costume. Snow Scout and Snowtrooper have the large backpack with eats up the space, the Neyo has a lot of parts and I could fit the TK in a smaller bin but I have a lot of extra stuff with that costume. I have one of those sweek Home Depot rolling ones, it's HUGE and works great when I go to a troop and want to put more then one costume in it - I'll throw in mine, my son's and wife's all together and then we need only roll that one bin instead of carrying them all seperately or stacking them on a handtruck, but it's waaaaay bigger then you'd need if you wanted to simply put one costume in it, at least IMO
  12. Izzi, sent you issue #4 today I couldn't find another issue #3 and the shop can't backorder it, and there was nothing in issue #5, but with #1, 2 and 4 you should have some good pictures. Let me know if you got the first two issues, I can't remember if you did. I've given up on trying to fix my scanner, but in it's defense it's like 10 years old hahaha. I'm going to pick up a new one next time I'm out at Target or whatever...
  13. Lol you got it guys, PM me your address and I'll get some out to you... I have four comic shops within a 15 mile radius, one as close as 5 miles hahaha
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