Hello 501st SpecOps. I am somewhat new here so forgive me if I don't know the full terminology quite yet. Anyway, I am currently working on building a Sith Trooper armor set, and unfortunately the two primary manufactures for this armor are either no longer providing or are using outdated molds that don't fit the CRLs minimum requirements. I have opted to go for the 3D printing option and purchased a printable kit. After looking at some of the files I found a few discrepancies between the CRL and the files I am using.
Discrepancy 1.
The back left Should has a requirement of 13 lines going vertically. Where as my files have 12 lines, although its up to the GML to decide if that's acceptable what are your guys thoughts?
Discrepancy 2.
The next issue found is with the "Gorget" aka. Neck thingy. The required bit is a three step as show below. However the files I am using have a somewhat rounded or beveled shape to them.