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Everything posted by ImperialPrimer

  1. From what my full images suggested it looks like they follow the standard overall, I might just custom make mine however. Can’t be that hard.
  2. Hello 501st SpecOps. I am somewhat new here so forgive me if I don't know the full terminology quite yet. Anyway, I am currently working on building a Sith Trooper armor set, and unfortunately the two primary manufactures for this armor are either no longer providing or are using outdated molds that don't fit the CRLs minimum requirements. I have opted to go for the 3D printing option and purchased a printable kit. After looking at some of the files I found a few discrepancies between the CRL and the files I am using. Discrepancy 1. The back left Should has a requirement of 13 lines going vertically. Where as my files have 12 lines, although its up to the GML to decide if that's acceptable what are your guys thoughts? Mine: Discrepancy 2. The next issue found is with the "Gorget" aka. Neck thingy. The required bit is a three step as show below. However the files I am using have a somewhat rounded or beveled shape to them. Mine:
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