I don’t know of any files out there that are perfect…. I know that in the files you have listed, the helmet is incorrect in almost all the details and the chest peice has several parts that are wrong, haven’t looked at the rest
Yosh studios has a set that is closer than these files but they have to have work done to them as parts of the armor, like the legs is wrong (can’t recall which part at the moment)
But Yosh studios helmet is also incorrect in several details
you could definitely get a set of armor files and make them work (the helmet would be the hardest part as I haven’t seen a good set of files yet)
I made the helmet for the CRL model and had to have a 3D model made as their just wasn’t a good helmet out their, but I don’t sell the files for the helmet currently.
but I’m using Yosh studios files for my kit and I’m just fixing the parts post print.