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Kenyon last won the day on June 23 2023

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  1. I most likely won’t sell the file anytime soon but if you don’t care about a resin cast I’m going to start selling 3D printed versions soon for much cheaper than the raw cast. My raw casts are $180 plus shipping including prewired LEDs and primed ready for paint. I am going to start selling the raw 3D prints for around $80 plus shipping soon. But definitely go with Chris the prop guys files as recommended….i forgot about his files and might actually go back and reprint my armor with his files.
  2. I don’t know of any files out there that are perfect…. I know that in the files you have listed, the helmet is incorrect in almost all the details and the chest peice has several parts that are wrong, haven’t looked at the rest Yosh studios has a set that is closer than these files but they have to have work done to them as parts of the armor, like the legs is wrong (can’t recall which part at the moment) But Yosh studios helmet is also incorrect in several details you could definitely get a set of armor files and make them work (the helmet would be the hardest part as I haven’t seen a good set of files yet) I made the helmet for the CRL model and had to have a 3D model made as their just wasn’t a good helmet out their, but I don’t sell the files for the helmet currently. but I’m using Yosh studios files for my kit and I’m just fixing the parts post print.
  3. Yeah I just sent you the link in a private message. Also me and Scott are still working on the mouth area so there’s going to be a V6 in the next couple of days with an updated mouth.
  4. okay so I present to you guys my V5 Helmet! changes made: 1. center lines on the top of the helmet were adjusted per @tipperaryred pointing them out 2. upper greeblie in mouth area had the lower left square pushed in/indented and a small circle was added on the side of that same greeblie 3. greeblie above visor was added 4. outer edges of the ear caps were flattened 5. center area above teeth was changed to 1 center flat panel with a slightly angled panel on each side instead of the center piece being 1 slightly curved panel https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAJZVR me and Scott are still kinda looking at the teeth to see if they need to be updated but they may be done
  5. @Equuspolo and @batlord77 were the teeth in the helmet at an angle/slope down? or where they flat and just look angled here? Heres my reference photos where I'm seeing that, me and Scott are just trying to figure it out https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAJXpd
  6. I just sent a list of 5 more changes to be made to the helmet file so once I get a minute I’ll send everything that needs to be added!
  7. We may have a new update that needs to be made. Me and Scott are working on it now. I’ll get something written up here in a moment when I get a chance.
  8. I’ll take a look and see what I can do! Thanks for pointing that out.
  9. So is there anything we’re waiting on to finish the helmet part of the CRL?
  10. Hey Everyone, just got the V4 helmet model back from my designer and wanted to share it with you guys here and see if you saw anything else that needed to be changed. me and Scott have been working on what we think are the last changes....this included the bottom rectangle on the lower lip getting the inner line added and then the new brow piece above the visor with the angled edges! Let me know what you guys think https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAJHur
  11. Hey @Equuspolo so off topic a little bit but still on the guidelines of the helmet. In some pics the silver on the helmet looks matte and it other gloss. Would you say it was matte silver or more alumaluster silver like?
  12. Here is the Flickr album with all the brow piece pictures. I also made a rough model that is no where near done, but just to outline the piece sorta. https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAJAja
  13. We still need to talk about the little rectangular piece above the visor, in the middle of the brow line. I’ve modeled up a 3-D model of what it looks like and I’ll send it over because it’s sort of hard to see in reference pics but I’ll do my best to find some that are clear. but I’ll send some more info when I get a chance I’m driving currently
  14. wow really? none of us would have ever guessed that. so the double stacked led in the ear caps were both red? from the screenshots everyone thought that the top led in the ear cap was a different color. This is why its great to have you here helping!
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