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501st SpecOps[TX]
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    Southern California Garrison
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    Los Angeles
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    StarWars - Sci Fi - Horror - Cosplay - collecting - whiskey

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  1. Hi Troopers, Sorry for the delay, things have been nuts this past month or so here in LA. I have made some vent caps (I’m having trouble linking the Flickr pics! ) these should reduce the size of the visible hole/slot. They are meshed, so as to not have a big deep hole. Hopefully that settles the concern of the size. I want them to be a feature and if made too small that would get lost from distance. If this works and you are happy to go ahead, I will work to finish and paint so it’s one construction. Hopefully this can be added as extra for Kreel and we can see more ideas and interpretations of it out there based on your descriptions. I’ll keep trying to figure out this image transfer! Let me know.
  2. Thank you!! If you guys give me the thumbs up, I’ll get to work finishing it and painting for some submissions photos. Just let me know, Happy New Year everyone!
  3. Hi Guys, Got some time to fire up the printer last week so here are some fresh prints (not sanded or painted) with no text on the upper panel, no Seam showing and the thrusters pointing straight out. I still like the functional look of the curve to the thrusters but let me know what you guys think of this version ? Thanks, Steve
  4. Hi guys, sorry for the late reply, I’m currently traveling out of town for work. yeah this pack was a mix of what I saw in the comics and what I thought for functionally with the thrusters (it looked weird pointing straight out) but they do swivel and can be interchanged. I do like the functionality of them being directional to be honest but happy to change if needed. The lighting can be easily altered to just be the thrusters for sure. That way the vents would just be holes. I added the Aurebesh S.C.A.R. more for a bit of fun and printed with glow in the dark filament so it glows when you come in from the light. That is a separate component so can be printed without Yes the strip on the bottom was to cover a seam that cracked open after a miss-handle. (Oops) a quick fix for something that shouldn’t be there. I won’t be able to re-model and print a new one for a week or so but if these are the go to specs I’ll get to work on doing another one for sure. Thanks again for your input and time.
  5. Thanks so much. Totally understand the process. It would be a fun addition for sure. The Hollywood Christmas Parade is coming up on Dec 1st so it would be so cool to rock the jet pack on this one. Have a good trip.
  6. But there is also a good image of Kreel and Mic with their jet packs in issue 61 Thanks for getting back to me on this and thanks for the positive feedback. Glad I got another opportunity to get these out for a read!
  7. I primarily used the imagery from issue 37. One of which was used for the inside cover of the black series box…
  8. Hi all, I designed and printed a Jet Pack for my Sgt. Kreel and was wondering how I could go about having it approved to wear out on troops. I based it from the comicbook stories and sized it appropriately to be functional and fit onto a regular back plate. It uses Magnets and has a safety strap fitted just in case. I also added lights to give the Blue glow and have a aurebesh S.C.A.R. recessed at the top. I know it's not on the CRL currently but wondering what the thoughts are on adding the Jetpack for these characters as an optional extra? Thanks for your consideration. Steve.
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