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dr sergen

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Everything posted by dr sergen

  1. never got around to posting those pics so i made a topic and i am starting to post there again sorry for the disappearance i had to buckle down and stick to myself and make some money.
  2. cant upload any more pictures gah . . . anyways. . maybe ill try and post more later. . i was going to post my shoulders
  3. and here is a piece tapped up im a bit overwhelmed and not sure where to start. i have to sets of arms these are the Matte hips arm pieces i figured id start with to learn.
  4. Hey guys haven't posted in a while i figured i would start a new topic for this. look what came in the mail the other day.
  5. wow awesome !!! wish i could see it in person and get some pointers and tips, looking at your build i feel your Armour would have the stability i would want out of mine.
  6. okay so. i got my arms in the mail. going to start working on them soon. i found some guys locally to work on my Armour with a few tk's a sand trooper and a Vader as i met them in costume at a toys r us. they do Armour parties etc. anyways ill post package opening pics tonight when i get home from work. edit added pics . . . nvm having a problem with the file size of the pics. ill do it from work tomorrow. i have photo shop edit. keep forgetting to email the pics to my work email. ill get around to it one day was in the middle of a move and some other poop. what tools should i have to start working on assembling my arms. im trying not to spend to much money. so if a tool is cheaper manual than electric ill probably go manual
  7. how can you tell by the belt. i ask cause i want to have the keen eye you do as well.
  8. just saw this thought id share not sure where it belongs.
  9. id like to see others weapons and hear how they got them together Ive been mostly thinking about the armor and haven't put much thought into what weapon ill carry or how im going to go about getting one and assembling it.
  10. did you just use normal siccors for trimming the parts. i think i see them in the one pic but its hard to tell and that angle.
  11. im gonna follow this one as well as i only have a helmet so far i haven't got to worried about storage
  12. i laughed when i get the email you posted this. not so terrible.
  13. hey guys just orderd my arms !!!! ill post pics when i get my box!!!!!
  14. im sure you could stich something onto the sides over that lace though quick and easy.
  15. okay thanks alot. i wish i could get a hold of a fore arm or shin piece to try working on my magnet idea and share it. . . but i have yet to find someone willing to sell me an armor kit piece by piece to help me with budgeting my money.
  16. shadow trooper shin armor CRL states: The shin armor is able to open and firmly close in the back allowing the two halves to appear sealed when viewed by spectators. The trapezoid knee plate is affixed to the top of the left shin. so i will have none of the problems he had if i use the magnet method for my armor. and what if i build it based on the shadow CRL and the GML of my garrison has a problem with the way it appears when complete.? that's the main purpose of my bring up what he said. as i am aware they are three very different armor suits when your putting them together based on the CRL
  17. im doing a shadow. so would using the magnet idea be completely different. from clone in terms of sticking to the CRL. and could a Garrison GML not approve my armour becuase of magnets even though it follows guidelines of the CRL for shadow trooper in terms of seams.
  18. allright new question? i am working on a shadow trooper costume and since i cant really afford getting a full armor kit right know. i filling my hunger with thoughts of how i will approach just about every aspect of assembly. cost tools supplies and on and on. and ive been thinking about fastenings, mostly velcro snaps and magnets. if i want to mix up what i use. or stick to one or two or a combination of snaps and velcro or magnets and velcro like ive seen people do in some places. and i came across some magnets discussions in a local garrisons forums and asked some questions and was promptley replied to and asked to go for beer with a guy (hes to far and we cant unfortunately as that's exactly what i want from people in my area.) and he ended up messageing me about some problems he had with the GML or something, when did a clone trooper kit and used magnets ill post quote
  19. assuming that the price for the helmet kit. before shipping. that alot lower price than ive seen for other helmets other places ? wanna make my shadow trooper armor kit for me lol just jokin.
  20. well yes i had intended on putting it all together and than wearing it for a while as my friends would like to go around the area we live and take pics of troopers doing every day things getting coffee at timmies. doing groceries. etc. just for fun. and doing that would help me to realized where i want padding. i have one question. about the but. can you sit.(without damaging or risking damage to the armor) and if not is there anything you can do to reenforce the strength of armor from the inside. ive had a few idea's since i started doing research on this. storm trooper paint ball wars. things like that. but only if armor would hold up. you could reenact scenes from movies as they do battle reenactments for wars. etc. stuff like that.
  21. it says you can do silver lenses and doesent say anything about the nose and does say you can detailing in black or dark grey. so a dark grey nose piece.!! not trying to tell you what you should do. just tossing ideas Helmet For 501st approval: Lenses must be black, dark green or a silver mirrored. Helmet may have scout detailing or left plain. If detailing is present it must be black or dark gray. Licensed helmets are acceptable with modifications: remove the manufacturer logo replace stock lens remove "fish-hook" logo replace stock bolts with flat-disc "elevator" bolts replace inaccurate aerator. repaint to match the armor.
  22. okay. i was thinking of trying to do it so it fits like a glove. im really anal and like things to look perfect. if im going to do it i might as well do it the best i can.
  23. the arms look like colossus from xmen. i wonder how someone would do that.
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