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dr sergen

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Everything posted by dr sergen

  1. does any have pics they can post or have posted and can share a link to of the inside of there armor once it has been assembled and fitted with padding etc. i ve only seen pics of the outside or with the armor on. i want to get ideas what i could do with padding to make the pieces fit snug and stay sturdy and not cook me if im trooping in the heat.
  2. for that nose piece on the helmet would it still remain cannon if you did detail work with silver paint. or accent it with a metal color. like the nozzle mouth piece on trooper helms. cause if you could i think that would be great touch to the helmet.
  3. ive heard you need to make alot of mods to the armor for it to be approved and as this is my first suit. id like to eventually get it approved. although its going to take me for ever the way my money situations looking.
  4. you look about the same size as me im curious to see a trimmed butplate. and the difference
  5. Okay thanks. Ill have to wait a while i think than.
  6. Okay thanks. Ill have to wait a while i think than.
  7. just read through this entire progression and im floored with how interesting this process is. looks like your doing an amazing job job cant wait to see progress man. was wondering to my self if you have had any school education which helps you when doing these builds or if anyone else has education or jobs related to prop costume making etc.
  8. another question not being very serious more hopeful as i could use this Armour long boarding as well. think this would be 501st approved.!!! http://udreplicas.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=61
  9. a month or so ago i was talking to someone about picking up an Armour kit and now i cant remember what happened to the conversation or who or where i was talking to them. as i got distracted in the ordering of my helmet. i vaguely remember them saying it would be a while before they would get around to being able to make mine or something but still cant remember and now that i have my helmet im starting to try and do the math to save money i cant justify to me and the wife (mostly the wife) to spend on it. and i stumbled across this site http://www.sdsprops.com/shop-online/shadow-trooper/shadow-trooper-armour-kit.html?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=15&category_id=3 looks pretty legit. and price isnt to bad. was wondering if anyone's heard of there product i assume not since they don't ship to the US. and i am wondering if anyone thinks they ship to Canada.
  10. Did you see the boba with borken jets!!!
  11. The mask dint show up but ih well. Bbut yay helmet !!!!!!
  12. hey so my helmet is finally here looks amazing Chris does an awesome job!!!! heres some pics. also added a pic of a mask i did from a music video by swollen members. not sure if anyone would have heard of them.
  13. this is some of my collection the lego isnt there most of it is from before high school. forgot about star wars and remembered recently
  14. being from Canada i couldn't believe ti when i read that you need to do a drug test to work at K-mart i work for an insurance company and i didn't need to do a drug test. only job i know of you need to be drug tested for here is police.
  15. it most of the references it looks like the thigh Armour i only on the front and has straps going around the back.
  16. looking forward to seeing more of this one day.
  17. its at my parents house ill try and get a pic of my room there. . . . which reminded me of my sad Bobba Fett statue in which the jets on his pack have broken off.
  18. oh i understand that im just thinking of pics to post to test my photo bucket skills and introduce myself to you guys get to know each other better. while i wait for my kit and such to come in the mail.
  19. no i don't have a photo-bucket account I've. I've always avoided making accounts on sites unless its something i will regularly check. (personal web security measures) i guess I'm going to make one than. ill post a picture to test it once i make the account which will probably be tonight when i get home from work. now to decide what ill post a picture of. what is something you guys would like to get to know about me to become better acquainted. ?
  20. i am currently waiting on the order status of my black-hole trooper kit and helmet ordered on the side separately. and looking and learning the tips and tricks of assembling a kit and getting Armour 501st ready. I've been looking at alot of posts of people working on there Armour while providing updates etc. and was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me out with posting the pics etc and doing my own progression. just post anything to show interest and once i get my kit hopefully int he next 3 - 4 months ill get started on it and show my progress.
  21. i really like your the way your chest and back were put together. ive been reading alot of how to's and when i get my kit i plan on doing the way you have here. also gives me idea for putting hidden compartments in my Armour for storage of keys. and maybe a camel pack for water. with a hidden hose to the chest which you can pull out for a quick sip of water.
  22. trying to get started is alot of messaging people. . .

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