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  1. Nearly perfect, but you missed my addition, that it should be "black leather or leather like material" At the moment white boots with a black zipper and sole are ok according to crl
  2. Thanks @tipperaryred, what do you think? What would be the next best part to analyze, besides the Kama, which is already worked on by smoszer?
  3. Working in the proposed draft for the boot crl of Tipperaryed I totally agree and would only argue for one more addition. We should mention, that boot is black in general, as that info got lost. I put it in again and it is underlined in the following text. Boots are above ankle height, similar in style to FOTK boots. Flat black soles, without a heel. Boots are made from black leather or a leather like material. Boots have a full height inner zipper. Zipper must be black in colour. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): The wearer's inner side of the boots have zippers and no side elastic.
  4. I basically copied the Part describing with the sole from the R1 TK crl, but I totally get what you mean. How about the following: Boots are ankle high new era style TK boots The boot including the sole is black and is flat without a heel Boots are made from leather or a leather like material Boots have an inner zipper that replaces the elastic cuff Zipper must be black in colour. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): The wearer's inner side of the boots have zippers and no side elastic The sole is is flat without a heel
  5. Cool! Yeah, that's exactly what I am suggesting. I just mistyped on the cellphone keyboard. The red text counts 😅
  6. OK that is interesting, adapting your advice it would look like the following. Boots are ankle high new Era style TK boots The boot sole is black and is flat without a heel Boots are made from black leather or a leather like material with no elastic cut outs for cuff Boots have an inner zipper that replaces the elastic cuff Zipper must be black in colour. I left the mention to the boots colour in the same line mentioning the material. The mentioning that no elastic cut outs are permissive should be cut as well in light of your post. Further more the R1 TK boot crl also states the following as a requirement for level 1 certification, I guess due to the same matter you brought into play. What do you think of adapting it for our case as well? OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): The wearer's inner side of the boots have zippers and no side elastic
  7. No Problem! Let's restart the Discussion again After having a look at the crl for the R1 TK I suggest the following changes. Concerning the boot style, the crl of the R1 TK crl refers to the style of the FO TK boot Suggested draft: Boots are ankle high and the same style as the First Order TK boot. The boot sole is black and is flat without a heel. Boots are made from black leather or a leather like material with no elastic cut outs for cuff. Boots have an inner zipper that replaces the elastic cuff Zipper must be black in color. As a remark the on the boot's soles, in no picture the soles appear to be red, but rather all black, contrary to the Phase 1 Purge Trooper soles seen in Fallen Order or Jedi Survivor.
  8. Hi all, I am new in this forum of the 501st, but I simply fell in love with the phase 2 Purge Trooper. I have had a look at the Purge trooper's boots. The boots used, that can be best seen in the picture of the actor only wearing the under suite, might be of a same or similar cut, as the TK boots used in R1, but completely black. Good indices for this are the zipper on the inside of the boot and the seams running top to bottom. One might say, that the upper front area of the shoo might look ribbed, as seen in the first picture, however I thing that is due to wear and tear of the used boots and is not always visible as seen in the second picture. As comparison here are the black trooper boots from R1 as sold on Keep Trooping. What do you think?
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