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About Catalyst1945

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  1. Okay, after reading many WIP's, I'm feeling more confident in my ability to put this kit together, although I expect it'll take me a while. I do have two questions for those with Tripon kits: Do the pieces come fully ready to paint? I'm not sure if I've just missed the sanding step in some people's WIPs or if they're ready for painting immediately. What additional parts are required to complete the build that Jim doesn't provide? Webbing is one that springs to mind. I've also seen that some people opt to attach the shoulder bells to the chest armor instead of the shoulder itself. Is that necessary? Cheers!
  2. The more WIP's I look at, the more nervous I get when I think about painting. To those who've painted their own kits, what was the difficulty like? Is it simple enough to do with spray paint for a first-timer? I'm considering looking for an Anovos helmet or something similar so I can avoid having to paint my own, as I'm really not confident. After asking a couple of TX's in my local garrison, I've decided to go for the full Tripon kit, and try and seek someone out to paint the whole kit.
  3. This marks the start of my Death Trooper build journey. Hi, I’m Jacob, and I’ve been trooping as Darth Vader with the Knightfall Garrison for almost a year now. It’s been an incredible experience bringing such an iconic character to life, but I’m ready for a new challenge. I’ve decided to go with the Death Trooper for my next build. Standing tall at 6'7" (201cm), it felt like a dream come true seeing these towering, ominous troopers on the screen back in 2016. They have a commanding and intimidating presence, which lines up perfectly with what I desire in a costume; a trooper that lets me blend into the ranks and troop as a grunt, rather than always being a celebrity figure like Vader. At this stage, I’m looking into vendors and have been recommended Jim Tripon, who accommodates taller builds like mine. I don’t have much experience with painting or sanding, and space is a bit of a limitation for me at the moment, so I’m definitely open to suggestions for vendors or help with finishing work. In terms of TX versions, I'm aiming for the plain trooper without the additional pauldron or chest rig. Once I get a better idea of the parts I actually require, I'll start working on a more detailed parts list. I’m eager to avoid the purchasing mistakes I made with my Vader build, so I’ll be taking my time and documenting every step of the way. Parts List: Here’s what I’ve identified so far. I’ll be updating this as I go: Helmet: Jim Tripon Armor hard parts (chest, arms, legs, etc.): Jim Tripon Undersuit: Jim Tripon Gloves: EndorFinders Boots: KeepTrooping or CrowProps Belt and pouches: Jim Tripon Blaster (optional):
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