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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Javier last won the day on January 23

Javier had the most liked content!


About Javier

501st Info

SpecOps Info

  • Costumes
    Imperial Army Trooper
  • TotM Datestamp
    Dec 2024

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Javier's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Thank you so much @IcyTrooper
  2. Hello I have a question, can you go to an official parade with your arm sleeves rolled up? The CLR doesn't say anything. I have seen it in several photos thank you https://imgur.com/a/G74epEo bye
  3. hello I have a question, The TK Ammo Belt how it is worn regarding the Web Harness & Belt? this position is correct? Do you have Photos? Thank you so much All the best
  4. Thank you so much @SirCalcium
  5. Please do you know what the names of the comics where the Imperial Army Trooper suit appear are called? thank you
  6. Some photos of the premiere of the suit this past weekend, my wife and me, TX67215 and TX17566. We are very happy!!! Thank you for all !!!
  7. I have removed a little mud from them so that they look more real from use. Thank you so much
  8. hello What do you think of how the boots turned out? Thank you bye
  9. hi, friend That is a really good idea!!! thank you so much bye
  10. Hello Please can you advise me how and what I should do so that the boots appear worn out to qualify for the specialist level. Thank you so much Bye These are some photos as they are now
  11. I wanted to thank @Raul si nu and @Kessel for their invaluable help, without which it would not have been possible to be discharged from the IAE. Thank you so much.
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