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  1. The cutting has finally begun. Only had time for some basic trimming. Is the Mohawk width 3 inches? I have struggled to find what the appropriate width is.
  2. Where'd you find the file you used?
  3. I believe I had to do some math for it to print the correct size myself. I'm not happy with the quality of my print so I'm going to redo it and will post pictures.
  4. Is this the one you did? https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5021480
  5. The cutting has finally begun. Only had time for some basic trimming.
  6. Ty, The pics you've posted are fantastic. Did you release the files? I would love to build one based on it.
  7. I printed a compad and wanted to make sure the dimensions are correct. It's pretty rough still and needs to be sanded. I am going to resin print the buttons since that will look better, but is 2.5 inches wide by 3 inches tall.
  8. Hello all! I am embarking on a new adventure to build a Del Meeko and Gideon Hask. Del is for my son who is nearly my size and has been wearing my TI for the past several months as he shot up like a weed and outgrew his Jawa. For fun I built a DLT-19X recently and guess that this will put it to good use. It isn't exactly accurate as I decided to add electronics from TRamp and couldn't not have a hengstler display. Kit so far Flightsuit: Crow Props Patches: Endor Finders Boots: Crow Props Gloves: Crow Props Hard Armor: Walt's Trooper Factory Commpad: 3D Print I'm going to jump right in and start asking questions. We recieved our Flightsuits from Crow Props. I am a little confused on the placement and size of the code cylinder pocket, compad pocket, and pouch pocket. The patches look low to me. Since many SW patches are only an inch or so from the shoulder seam, I expect the same here and looking at screen grabs from the CRL work I think the 2 inches down this patch is, is a bit far. Or am I mistaken? I know the CRL on Del doesn't specify how far the shoulder patch is. And yes, I realize the patches are facing the wrong way. Both flight suits code cylinder pockets look rather large to my eye and they were placed much lower than I think they should be. Here are some screen grabs from the appearance Crow Props flight suits made on the Star Wars show showing the same pockets higher and compad visible above the glove. Additionally, the compad pocket is a 2 inch by 2 inch square and the pocket is huge! My TI compad swims in the pocket and can hardly be seen through the window. The pocket was sewn on about a half inch from the sleeve cuff so when I put on my glove it's nearly concealed behind the glove. Should I be concerned here and write Crow props about the sizing and placement of these things or do I have nothing to worry about?
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