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501st Reserve[501st]
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About Obievon

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    70th Explorers

SpecOps Info

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  • Location
    Hermann, Mo

Obievon's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Not a problem, glad I could help.
  2. This is what I did, Blast'em Sorry couldn't help myself..........
  3. You can't go wrong with one of these. You can see clear also,and people can't see you. Good luck with your build.
  4. I'm sure we can always work out something.......... One of these days I'll get back around to getting some projects underway. A remake of one of these is on that list. Here is a shot of it all apart before painting. The Barrel lock the whole thing together. PVC and carved Bass wood.
  5. If your a little crafty you can always make one. This is a old picture seen here before but it's what I made. Might not be 100% but the Kids like it.
  6. Hey great to hear you got a AM. Oh I really want to see how shinny these are. Post those pics as soon as you can. Break out the new tube of e6000!!!
  7. Cool, I look forward to trooping with you. Power to the EMPIRE! SPEC OPS!!
  8. That would be another reason to use velcro to attach it. Just another thought.
  9. I used the large in my TE2 and it worked great. Large or small is the same price and you could always cut it down for your needs.
  10. I got a email about the lens I use so I thought I'd post it again. I'm sure this has been mentioned in the past. The way I mount mine is by using velcor on the ends and just curve it on the inside. It works great and makes it easy to remove to clean. I get mine here. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/69/11378/ITEM/AFX-Fast-Shield.aspx Right now only $11.99
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