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501st SpecOps[TX]
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stevechewbacca last won the day on January 27 2024

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About stevechewbacca

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    French Garrison

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  1. Thank you @IcyTrooper The glove maker is making me some better white ones. As soon as I get them I'll make a complete fitting test ^^
  2. Hey there! Finaly an update πŸ˜€ I just received the gloves I ordered back in May. I asked for full white atat gloves. The propmaker sent me 2 pairs but the full white ones are rigid and too long so I'll have to use thΓ© others. What do you think ? I'm afraid that the material do not match the ref and that I'll need yet another pair. πŸ™
  3. Little update here Started adding the color touches on the flamethrower ^^
  4. Hi guys ! Little update here I received my new forearms and hand plates, and I went from bad sticker on the helmet to good decals Can't wait to get my new gloves to assemble everything. I need to detail the flamethrower, weather the entire costume and it should be done
  5. Here we go ! Just hope it won't explode like some other resin prints I made last years 😬 (I printed these pieces with the hollow option and a few well placed drain holes 🀞)
  6. Thank you ! Unfortunately, while putting the backpack together to weather it, I checked the ref pics and saw that one of the main pieces is not accurate at all I need to model it again so I won't wear it next weekend
  7. Hello there little update. I Hope i'll finish it in time but the progress is pretty cool
  8. Thank you ! I really love the look of this helmet ^^ Can't wait to paint all the pieces again see how it's going
  9. Hello there ! A lot of things occured in the past weeks so no updates. But I can show you my tiny little progress. I have an event at the end of april in France and I really want to bring my flamethere so hopefully I'll be able to finish it at that time.
  10. That is what I'm gonna do : cut the canva over the main shapes and glue it. Then heat it a bit to mold it over the secondary shapes end cut the holes at the end. I can't use an adhesive heatable vinyl to stretch and form as it will be too thin and way too glossy. The best way is to use a thin leather/leatherlike canva (thic enough to get the shapes and thicness we see on the refs and thin enough to mold the lines on the mouth. My next concern is about the fact that the cowl is meant to be in one piece around the helmet. I'm pretty sure this is not possible considering the material I have to use. So I'm thinking about making it two pieces as a snowtrooper. But what about the CRL and the approval then ? πŸ˜• Or, I can put it around the helmet but it will have a seam on the back where I'll glue the 2 sides of the canva. Not sure if it is possible to make that seam desapear or how to do it πŸ˜•
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