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About TonyJuiceBox

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  1. I dont know about the belt, but when I first did my Hask build, I used those specific files (and later used them for my iden) and got approved. I bought rubber shoulder straps from Mon Cal on etsy.
  2. Thank you very much. I've been working on and off on del for about a year and a half now, and the previous ammo pouches I was looking at have suddenly disappeared off etsy.
  3. Hello great people of the Spec Ops detachment. I'm an approved Iden and previously approved, now retired, Hask and I'm looking to round out the Inferno collection. I've gotten everything (or have them in the cart ready to purchase) except for the ammo pouches. I am struggling hard to find some. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  4. Just wondering if this slot in the belt is approvable. There aren't many good angles and I really don't want to finish this print and then have to redo it.
  5. Good early morning Spec Ops detachment! I've been working on a Del Meeko build to have the entire trio of Inferno, and the CRL mentions 8 rivets on the belt. I did find a different picture on the placement of those rivets, but I'm not sure where I can buy them. I was wondering if the rivets had to be functional. All my hard parts are 3d printed so I rather not have to try and poke holes in my armor. I was hoping to just be able to glue them onto the belt in the correction position. I was also curious about the "belt" portion of the over belt. How does it attach to the scout belt. My scout belt print has slots in it where as other files I've seen didn't. Thanks all!
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