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Everything posted by ddf

  1. Seem him b4, Love the swag! I own 5 pairs of Start Wars Adidas, I know his aren't but just saying, 2 pair Darth, 1 pair storm trooper, 2 pair star wars lettering. also have stormtrooper hoodie and Vader sweat jacket. but Dickey does wither at 85
  2. looks good, haven't had time to mod mine yet ;0(
  3. Just received my armor!

  4. ddf


    understood! thanks
  5. ddf


    thats what I thought, Couldn't pass then up, Thanks
  6. My Wife wanted to but me a birthday present, so while we were out at a local mall we noticed these boots. Can you please tell me if they are acceptable? If not..... no worries, il wear them loca lly in gear, but we got them for half off of clarence at Sears. paid $13.
  7. Just got home from work, open a package, I just received my neck-seal!

  8. I am interested in purchasing a black TX Front plate
  9. Just got my Hasbro Blaster in ******

  10. Just received my Nomex gloves!

    1. Griffin-X


      You'll love em.

  11. I sent you a pm, please read and pm back, thanks

  12. thanks, thats the last thing I want to happen, wiring problems, smoke....
  13. Blackhole, I owe you one! Everyone has been a great help! I cant wait to get my kit,..... which I'm sure will lead to many more searches, reading and more questions. Like... Snaps? Velcro? how to modify?
  14. I saw that BH posted a link for Squirrel Fans. $3.75 ea. ELP ....... I have an Anti-Fog spray I use with My Motorcycle Helmets and Glasses! Works Great! I am going to do all my own wiring, Cheap and easy. 2 Squirrel Fans, Switches, batteries, wire loom, etc... Im just not sure if I want the ICOMM are not. I also think that Memorex wireless is the way to go, as well as an ipod. Also i think I will wait to check out aerator mics; I worried about too much sound in my bucket. I Just realized that I may have to sell my Buckets when I get them, and buy different ones because they are AM, I have a small/Medium head; (7 1/4 Cap) I Appreciate the feedback!
  15. May have to seperate this ? Here, I go.... PLEASE post Opinions! I'm interested in your Bucket Electronics Opinions, based on your experience not theory! 1. Fans...... regular vs. squirrel blower & best position of each 2. Wireless vs. Wired 3. icomm vs. ipod 4. Battery Types (9volt/AAA) reachable vs. standard 5. Mics/Speakers in aerators Thank you for any and all info, Please feel free to explain why you think your idea, product works better than others!
  16. Curious about the Cushman...... I've read that some of their products break/crush easily. What is your opinion? I was thinking about purchasing there MG-34 V3 Replica for Trooping, I looked at purchasing a genuine MG-34 (which is Sweet) and making resin molds ) but I think it would just get me in trouble. Who wouldn't want to shoot it? Anyway.... I think trooping with that BEAST would drag me down, but I dont want to waste money on trash!
  17. I own 4 Tattoo Studios, 3 in Louisiana and 1 in Picayune MS. I'm new to this site but have been a Fan Boy for years!

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