I saw that BH posted a link for Squirrel Fans. $3.75 ea.
ELP ....... I have an Anti-Fog spray I use with My Motorcycle Helmets and Glasses! Works Great!
I am going to do all my own wiring, Cheap and easy.
2 Squirrel Fans, Switches, batteries, wire loom, etc...
Im just not sure if I want the ICOMM are not.
I also think that Memorex wireless is the way to go, as well as an ipod.
Also i think I will wait to check out aerator mics; I worried about too much sound in my bucket.
I Just realized that I may have to sell my Buckets when I get them, and buy different ones because they are AM,
I have a small/Medium head; (7 1/4 Cap)
I Appreciate the feedback!