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Everything posted by Firebat

  1. Thanks Tej ill try that. And thanks for the compliments!
  2. Finished helmet. Sorry for multiple posts. But I cant get the return button to work for a new line when I post on here lol
  3. Not the prettiest glue job. But what I did was paint the glue black. I wanted to it look more like a real helmet than a prob one. Some reason fans always wanna look in the helmets with me /shrug
  4. Went ahead and did chin strap since MLC helm was already cut for one. I covered the inside of the chin cup with black suade.
  5. Painted Pieces with Krylon Camouflage Ultra Flat for plastics.
  6. LOL I had no choice. Been doing a TIE so long I can see myself in anything but black.
  7. Got my MLC helmet done. I will post pics tonight. I wanted it to look like a real helmet on the inside due to the liner I put in. So I painted the hot glue black as well. It makes it look more like it was supposed to be there than the white glue you see in my TIE. I put rubber grommets inbeween the face plate and the helmet section where the bolts go. I wanted it to open and close without rubbing the paint. Finally I went ahead and did a chin strap since the helmet was already cut for it. I used a small section of black suade for the chin cup. Doesn't do much but looks nice. I also weathered the snout a little. I thought it your flying on a swoop your gonna get a rock chip or two lol. So far I am really happy with the way it turned out.
  8. Ok well I think I got the problem licked. I went ahead and roughed the area up a little more. I also bought new glue sticks. Others were couple years old. Not sure if they go bad. But problem seems fixed for the moment.
  9. Yes its a fiberglass mlc one. The inside isn't totally smooth. I saw ur pm Griffin. I don't have the glue sticks in front of me. But it might be the hobby type of glue. But its the high heat stuff. I don't know if its industrial or anything. Will check when I get home.
  10. Hi everyone. I basically have my helmet done, but am having a problem putting lense in. The helmet is a painted MLC. The first time I got it right where I wanted it, hit the sides and top with hot glue. Let it cool. Next thing I noticed the lense corners popped up. I removed the lens and it came right off. I cleaned the area with alcohol thinking maybe it had some type of release agent or somthing. Tried a second time and got same results. Any ideas?
  11. I think he has new inventory back I bought the prototypes he had from the new manufactorer last week.
  12. Been taking few photos of my helmet build. Will post soon. Armor --- ordered Helmet almost done. Just waiting for liner and need to cut lense out. Cumberbund,vest pouches --ordered Boots ---Not ordered yet. Talking with people Blaster ---Not ordered yet. Flight Suit --- Not ordered yet.
  13. Yeah thats the one thing I think the diameter of the head is about 1/8 to big. The 3m bolts I got are gray in color. I cut one of those down and left a nub to attach to the head of the bolt that came with my MLC. I think once painted that might work good enough. I might also take the metal ones I have and grind the head diameter down a little.
  14. Hi guys I am currently working on my MLC Helmet for my shadow scout. I have the bolts and fiberglass covers for them. But went to Lowes and found blackish 1/4 elevator bolts. I need to file down the square part at the base of the bolt for what I plan to use it for. My question is I thought these were impossible to find thats why they have the plastic ones people use and the fiberglass caps like MLC provided. Or are these ones i found not correct? They are non concaved and the top is totally flat. Here is a pic I snagged off their site I was in a hurry. lol Thanks, Scott
  15. Hello everyone. In my prior post I mentioned I just got the helmet. Should the elevator bolt covers remain great or pain them black. Also the aerator should be a c0ontrating black tot he helm correct? Like maybe a flat black or something?
  16. Well I got my MLC helm Monday in the mail. Looks great! Plan to order my armor next week. So slowly but surly I am getting there. =)
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