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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by NikTrooper

  1. Replying to myself. Seems it's one other people have used and Shoretroopers as well, so have gone ahead and ordered it.
  2. I found this on AliExpress, looks like a close copy of the M300. Would it be acceptable? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006008129957.html
  3. What's the purpose of the thin string here if the thick strap itself is elastic?
  4. I'm very early in my build, in fact I don't have anything yet although my helmet's being printed. I'm planning on using the MCM files and get someone to print it for me. When it comes to the strength of 3d printed parts, what do people use to reinforce it? I'd rather not use fibreglass if possible, is there anything else people use? Second question I have is around strapping. Do most people use a strapping system similar to the Stormtroopers or is velcro a better solution?
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