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  • 501st Garrison
    Blizzard Force

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  1. Oh yeah, that looks good, great tip. All that would be missing is the back plate, the backpack and the helmet. I will simply order the helmet from Kanyon in the near future. The only question that remains is where can I get the remaining 3 accurate parts? (except textiles)?
  2. Ok, thanks for your reply Kenyon. It sounds like the Yosh file with post-processing is the only option. Too bad they don't sell the helmet file, will they think about it in the future?
  3. Hello I would like to start building this armor and print it myself. The problem is I don't know if there is now a 3D print file suitable for the 501st (armor and helmet). Does anyone have an idea? This one doesn't seem precise enough to me! https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/hobby-diy/other/naval-phase-2-purge-trooper-full-size-armor-stl-files
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