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  • 501st Garrison
    French Garrison

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  1. Yes, I'm agree that it should be a shame to buy something useless. However, I really would like to have the chestbox and optionnal hoses on my final costume. In waiting, I still continue on the principal parts and I will my costume approved without those optionnal parts if I have no solutions. Thank you for your advice.
  2. Hi, I would to know if you have some photos of your del meeko final build? Are you satisfied by your helmet? Saw you ordered it on 3d schmiede. How did did he take to build your helmet ? Thanks!
  3. Hey tipperaryred ! I was in contact with Jim for the tactical c'est and the filghsuit (already ordered) and I asked him already for the chestbox. He doesn't make finished products anymore and he has no kit for chestbox neither. What do you think about order a rogue one pilot chesbox on Jinta (because the infeno one is out of stock) and just paint the first button in red? Thank you !
  4. Hi guys, Do you know where I could find a finished chestbox (no kit) for my del meeko? The only one I found is on Jinta but there is no stock and they don't answer to my messages. And if someone have an opinion on inferno hard parts by Jinta, it could be help me to choose for my futur helmet and armor. Thanks again !
  5. Thank you so much for your answer Icytrooper. I think I'm just going to say to the propmaker to remove those 4 leds. For the other ones, I have no much doubt. And thank you Tipperaryred too. Always a great pleasure to have some opinions here. Thanks.
  6. Hello guys, I'm working on a del meeko costume and I would like to know what do you think about this electronic compad ( on right on the photo). Do you think it could be approved ? Thanks.
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