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  1. Hah! Well I guess its bound to happen to us no matter what...I'm sure I'd have the same issue if I ended up wearing a pauldron.
  2. Thats fine, I'd rather it be tighter with a little less cranium than the AM helmet, that way the bottom of the helm won't obstruct me from bending my head!
  3. I've heard the padding takes up a good amount of space...but I'm sure there's still room to have a small mic around my head if I were to use an icomm amp for voice right?
  4. This is where I found the idea...http://www.whitearmor.net/fisd/Tutorials-legs Its an awesome resource when building your armor, basically since the AM armor is so large thinner troopers have to trim a lot off the legs and thighs, so its easier to trim off the front and add another strip of abs to cover the two seams...aka butt joining.
  5. It seems like the better way to go, I already tried gluing the shins together without butt joining them and they didn't look quite as good so I'll go this route...the only other issues i've had so far is the shin armor not completely covering my boots, I'm thinking of trimming the return edges off the bottom of them to make them more comfortable.
  6. Hey guys, just had a quick question, is butt jointing the shins and thighs on my armor more efficient on an AM kit rather than just trimming the back/front of them to downsize since I am a little on the smaller side in terms of size comparing to that armor out of the box. Thanks!
  7. Just sent him a payment now for my helmet, can't wait to get it!!!
  8. Thats fine, I'll have time to make my armor by then!
  9. Cool, I just sent him a PM so hopefully I can buy one ASAP
  10. Looks really nice, are they comfy? My AM Helmet is sort of wobbly and its only held by the headband inside.
  11. Hey guys! So I recently just finished constructing my AM helmet, it looks alright, with a few teensy errors...but I've heard a lot about them being too big for a normal set, I'm about 5'11 and 163 lbs and it seems to look ok, but I feel like I'd do better with another bucket, any ideas on where to get a new TX bucket? I've found this thread ---> http://forum.501stsp...ck-a-tx-bucket/ But haven't seen anything on suppliers or where to buy. Hope to hear from you guys soon!
  12. Gonna ask my boss about it, send me an e-mail at (thewreckinator@gmail.com) if I get confirmation and you'd like to see a few pics.. -Skywalker
  13. It happened...! I have to see if I can post anything, because I don't want Georgie Porgie suing Museum Replicas over something that got leaked on the internet that he didn't want, keep in mind those are pieces nobody including fans have ever really seen, why? I have no reason, if it were up to me, I'd show all the pictures I took, I even got close ups of how he insides of the original TK helmets were made, which is really cool, and comparing them to fan made, ours are much MUCH thicker than the originals, and there are a lot of nifty little ways they put the armor together so it was wearable back then, somewhat similar to ours. I also pretty much have literal confirmation that the stunt and hero tk lenses were green although most already know that, hm what else...the boots are really neat, they were actually similar to the boots we shadow troopers wear, they were simply spray painted white!
  14. So, I went to the Archives, I got a ton of pics and learned so much about the original armor as compared to a lot of our fan made armor...I even took some pics of original white tk armor next to fan made white tk armor...
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