It happened...! I have to see if I can post anything, because I don't want Georgie Porgie suing Museum Replicas over something that got leaked on the internet that he didn't want, keep in mind those are pieces nobody including fans have ever really seen, why? I have no reason, if it were up to me, I'd show all the pictures I took, I even got close ups of how he insides of the original TK helmets were made, which is really cool, and comparing them to fan made, ours are much MUCH thicker than the originals, and there are a lot of nifty little ways they put the armor together so it was wearable back then, somewhat similar to ours. I also pretty much have literal confirmation that the stunt and hero tk lenses were green although most already know that, hm what else...the boots are really neat, they were actually similar to the boots we shadow troopers wear, they were simply spray painted white!