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  • 501st Garrison
    Northeast Remnant

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  1. Thanks for both of your responses. If that's the case, then I think I'll commission Jim to make it so I can focus on everything else. I reached out earlier so hopefully I'll hear from him soon!
  2. Hey everyone! I am new to this forum and am ready to begin my journey building my first kit to join the 501st. I decided that I will be making a Death Trooper, and I wanted to reach out to you guys for some help with the project. So first off - I will be 3D printing the armor myself, using the MCM STL files. I would much rather do that myself than paying someone to vacuum form it. What I wanted help with is specifically the soft parts. I wanted to sew/tailor them myself and wanted some recommendations/tips on doing it. I found a forum post titled "Tom's completed Death Trooper Costume build" that goes over some of it, but the videos that he linked no longer work. I found this piping material that I thought would work: https://www.amazon.com/Polyester-Quilting-Clothing-Accessories-Wrapping/dp/B0C4YYB5PQ/ref=sr_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.CZQ-fOIsALRB2txXNOn1AeNKwFVuG-lqiz1AGuMxq3mmaN8GRWUBY7oPTfymPu9TCrYaHxFZyio8HTlAC-4-6g8xkALlPYLQ1KJU_nfeEb4o9T9i9PpAT7j_dqlbuM7-JuhrW6-B3yc4aeCme2ZfF9JalRJFOBnogf2zrqJE1c3c-JR1rpt9sEQrpldrnTFLYjTS47SdazRrJSg_3MMDs-VTdJfNmiGAorZwxniHGeyouHCb5dcIZzV4XHJBJKeAQ1S6VQrBKms4DAepGjGDBT1pXLwsQhG2ZrE_x1Mwyjw.a6RhTss8HsLm2Aev1-BUFhzVLxAeoF6J-IEX7oFwnfw&dib_tag=se&keywords=black%2Bpiping%2Bfor%2Bsewing&qid=1730670996&sr=8-5&th=1 I apologize if some of these questions are answered somewhere else, it has been difficult navigating all of the different forums to figure this out.
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