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  1. Thanks for clarification on that, one of my local 501st friends who is working on Hask mentioned he knows someone who makes the vest so Ill see what he says. Im currently working on the chest plate and finished coating it in resin
  2. Chest printed pretty well, need to clean up the lines where I welded them the pieces together but all in all I think the fit is good.
  3. Link to flexing TPU Shoulder straps
  4. Perfect! I also printed the shoulder straps in TPU at 0.12 and it came out well, I think with a quick coat of filler it should be easy approval Ill post photos of it shortly. currently working on building the DLT19X
  5. Is this a good base for the vest https://www.tacticalgeartrade.com/flyye-1000d-molle-law-enf-magazine-chest-rig-vest-black.html
  6. am I just blind but is the main difference the front of the over belt having only one notch on the right for the strap that leads to the drop box?
  7. Im thinking of trying to Print it in TPU or Flexible Filament. However I also have the Mr poopy file set is that acceptable also? I may still try a more flexible filament on that
  8. The Etsy link has a belt file that looks very similar to the Del belt as I noticed he uses a different one. The CGTrader file set I wont be using that belt just the Chest armor as it looks like its a closer match to Dels
  9. I feel like Im kind of swinging into the dark with STLS but it is what it is haha. I have found this chest/back and I feel like with proper scaling it will be approvable the belt however will not. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-print-models/art/other/star-wars-swbf2-inferno-squad-inferno-squad-armour Im currently printing the Thermal Detonator from the scout kit and its very detailed. and this file set has the over belt/drop box, the chest doesnt look correct so I wont mess with it. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1255183371/star-wars-squadrons-assault-tie-pilot?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=inferno+squad&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&dd=1&content_source=baf6ac8eb5b6126f0c2bd780afcce0fd9d45abe4%3A1255183371&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1
  10. Hi there, my name is Chris and Im local to GA and Im familiar with a few of the GA501st People as I am currently an Official member of the Mando mercs Club with 2 kits. With that being said I wanted to try something with 501st and Del Meeko caught my eye. I already 3d Printed the helmet and Im working on aquiring the other armor pieces to 3D print as its something Im very comfortable with finishing/sizing etc etc. Im currently trying to find the best file for the Chest and Thermal Detonator. Thank
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