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Evilboy last won the day on September 25 2015

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About Evilboy

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    Jun 2013

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    Northern Virginia, USA

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  1. Also some G3 mags for under $5 each! https://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/mag-h-and-k-g3-762x51mm-aluminum-20-round-original-military-mag-304.do?sortby=ourPicks&refType=&from=Searcha
  2. SO if anyone is trying to find the Ammo Pouches and is having trouble, HAVE I GOT A FIND FOR YOU! Epic Militaria​ Sells both original and reproduction WWII items and uniforms, and they MAKE THEIR OWN POUCHES! They are WAY less than Trooperbay, under $50USD, and I have them. They are EPIC! Now I just need the armor and to finish my blaster... http://www.epicmilitaria.com/mp40-black-smooth-leather-ammo-pouches.html
  3. SO if anyone is trying to find the Ammo Pouches and is having trouble, HAVE I GOT A FIND FOR YOU! Epic Militaria​ Sells both original and reproduction WWII items and uniforms, and they MAKE THEIR OWN POUCHES! They are WAY less than Trooperbay, under $50USD, and I have them. They are EPIC! Now I just need the armor and to finish my blaster... Epic Millitaria Leather Ammo Pouches
  4. I also started a thread on the new Blaster here: http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/4164-the-parts-of-the-rogue-one-deathtrooper-e-11sd-blaster/
  5. It looks like we will have a bunch of new additions with the premiere in December of Rogue One. Some of them will be here, some will be in Spec Ops, such as the Death Trooper for sure, and possibly the Shore Trooper, as it is listed as being a "Specialist". That being said, I want to have a finished DeathTrooper in time for the premier...does anyone know someone working on the helmet and armor pieces? I am getting the "Vader" belt buckle, and I have, or am in the process of making/getting, some of the other parts (Ammo packs, E-1SD etc. ). Let's make this happen!
  6. So I am starting work on the new Death Trooper blaster, based on screen caps from the trailers, the pics in EW and pics from Celebration . Until we hear otherwise, I am calling it the E-11SD So far it is clear that it is based on the Sterling base with parts and modifications. Knowing that most all the parts were likely designed and 3D printed for the film, but based on real world items, I have ID' the retractable stock to a reasonable facsimile. http://www.evike.com/products/53806/ As I (or others) ID other parts, I will add them to this first post.
  7. So, it looks like we will have a bunch of new additions with the premiere in December of Rogue One. The Death Trooper for sure, and likely the Shore Trooper, as it is listed as being a "Specialist". I want to have a finished DeathTrooper in time for the premier...does anyone know someone working on the helmet and armor pieces? I am getting the "Vader" belt buckle, and I have, or am in the process of making/getting, some of the other parts (Ammo packs, E-11SD etc. ). Let's make this happen!
  8. My TFA armor should be here some time in October, and I am planning to do this.
  9. I don't know about using Ainsworth for a reference, but I would LOVE one! I will ask Ward (NE Armor) about it...
  10. Yeah, I am working on that as I type. I looked closely at the pic and I am modifying a cheapo halloween Han Solo blaster...
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