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  1. For the scarf, found one that looked right on amazon, this is the one I found, others can potentially confirm if i found the right type or not, might need to be dyed though to fully match correct color: Scarf
  2. Thanks, could not remember the site recommended, so used my google drive for it
  3. Okay, got two parts in so far, pictures are not the best, and I know I will likely need to dye them partially, also file sizes are too big to share them normally, so using my google drive to show: Poncho and scarf https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qhiS8AKQ5UQyKXM7oCc2CvcJqdf6AhJr/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TYiK6QEtAqBBC8vqYK6RbMAPqdA49O_s/view?usp=sharing
  4. Got the poncho and scarf ordered, those were relatively easy to find. And found out jimmiroquai is still selling, so slowly getting the funds together on that part.
  5. Note to start, using this as the start of the build thread, got contact going with Walt's Trooper Factory to figure out the source for the armor/helmet. No pictures yet, will update with such once I get started.
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