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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by JDC

  1. I will hopefully be putting the paint on the pieces soon after I re-fit the to my larger size. Where is a good painting tips post that I can follow? Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  2. Ahh, ok, just curious Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  3. Does anyone know if there is a brand of flight suit that can be both used for shadow scout and Tie pilot? Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  4. Tell me about it... Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
  5. The wife actually has never even seen Star Wars... She was just doing it to appease me lol. And no boots yet. The only boots I have are white biker boots, ladies size 8.
  6. So a few years back I bought this scout trooper kit to make for my wife. We got real close to having it approved, then they went and totally changed the CRL on us...(thanks Blu-Ray). So now she has this unfinished kit and most likely will never spend the extra cash for the special under suit, so it currently is not being used at all. Sooo... My thought is that I would paint it black and join you fine people. Please take a look over the pieces I have and let me know what you think. If it only involves painting it black, getting a flight suit big enough for myself, getting new black soft parts, and a new pair of black boots... then I am down. Here is the link to the pieces that I have http://s1104.photobu...X%20scout%20WIP Thanks for all of your help
  7. JDC

    New Nova Trooper

    That's perfect. Thank you! Is there any way to see the sides of the bucket? And I'm from Colorado springs.
  8. JDC

    New Nova Trooper

    Thanks for the support gentlemen, an I can't wait to be among your ranks. I was hoping if there would be any way for either of you to post some good pics of your buckets that I could use as a reference? I try to zoom in on the SWG ref pics, but the details are a little fuzzy. I am mostly curious about the four indented areas around my FX dome and what to do about them. And it looks like there is a darker area behind the ear pieces. Thanks guys for all the help. This weekend I am getting started on the work, and I'll post my progress up here.
  9. Hello all, I am new to this armor building cause my acceptance suit was a Tusken, so any help would be well appreciated. First off, are Nova Troopers (not elites) accepted yet by the 501st? I noticed that the color code in the CRL for Novas is yellow, while elites are green. Secondly, I am finding it difficult to find any user created Nova (again, not elite) pictures. Where can I find some really good painting references? I saw Izzis nova, but was curious if there were any more. Lastly, I am starting off my build with an FX TK bucket I recently got for a sweet deal. Are there any tips for converting a white TK into a Nova? And I figure you must be asking yourselves, "why do just a Nova and not an Elite?" Well, I am not a huge backpack fan, and I figure I can start off with a Nova now and add a few things and change the bucket and I will have an Elite. But for now, a plain ole Nova looks cool to me Thanks everybody! Any help is good help
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