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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by wtatsch

  1. Starting to breath again the scratch and polish that came with my kit seems to be helping
  2. Ok here are the picks thigh and chest
  3. I am almost done with my BHT but have run into a few problems. What is the best way to remove glue and is there a touch paint I can use? William Tatsch ID9076 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.467234906629258.114906.100000282576488&type=1#!/photo.php?fbid=473924005960348&set=a.467234906629258.114906.100000282576488&type=3&theater
  4. I would like to put together a 4 person NOVA Team for the droid hunt at CVI
  5. wtatsch


    Where can I find dark lenses the one's that came in my kit are not dark enough.
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