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    Bentonville Arkansas

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Small Update! With some help from a good friend: Unfortunately no progress pics since he helped do most of it =(
  2. Progress! The first cut was nerve-racking but I think I managed to do okay. Second cut turned out a little bad cause I went a little too fast figuring my first cut was okay, sanded it down a little and it looked alright. Finished and taped! Whoop
  3. Yeah, wish I knew more people in the area for a box party :') and for the shin I figured as much. Mainly worried about how to trim the forearms cause I don't wanna derp it up by cutting into the area with the bumps in it if I'm not supposed to be.
  4. A quick question before I stop trimming all the wrong things! Now I'll go ahead and state that I'm way too small/skinny to be a trooper so there's gonna be tons of fitting! Now, with the shins: They're much too big for me, but I have to keep the top part to look correct yes? So would I trim from the red circle on the bottom? and for the forearms: If I trim from either side I would start to cut into the raised up part. So would I actuall trim that piece or should I leave that front piece alone and trim up the back piece to to where it would contour to my arm better? (follow the curve or just trim it straight? ie: Thanks!
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