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    Southern California Garrison

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  1. <p> It seems like this is the key question - and it's one for Darth Emphatic and Izzi - for this costume, and other costumes in this detachment that are LMO approvals with CRL's in progress - which is, how does one go about getting approved in one of these?  I know Alex is building this because he wants an armored costume to troop in, this fall if possible (all we have are soft parts & helmet only costumes thus far).  But it is an LMO costume, and there is no LMO.  And our garrison's GMO just stepped down and passed the torch to his assistant.  So the assistant will likely come here for guidance on whether the finished Swampy is approvable.  In that case, who will make the call?  Izzi and/or Darth?  If so, does that mean that as long as the final build gets the thumbs up here that it will be good to go?  Asking on Mithras's behalf but also want to know as I'm hoping to starting a Spec Ops project myself.
  2. Wow Izzi, great piece of art! Yes, Darth, I think we're good now- thanks much for the reply! Next question - my KS bucket kit I gave to my husband to try the Swampy may not work out. After much research and long hours of work by my husband, it may not be salvageable. And given that he's a guy, with a guy-sized head, SC won't work, and paying KS more money to build one could mean 2+ months of waiting and hit-or-miss in terms of quality. MLC is pricey and tends to run small-ish too. So.... found this on eBay. http://www.ebay.com/...279169970872743 It was a white helmet that was assembled (sans lens) and painted black. Seller claims it's resin (!) but when we asked who made it, they said they didn't know; they got it from a 501st member. Anyone have thoughts as to who the maker might be on this one and/or whether it's up to standards? Thanks again! Jen
  3. Thank you, Izzi - much appreciated as to the info and the perspective. I personally had been collecting pieces for a standard Scout over the last few months, and while I'd thought I would try for Lancer eventually, the sudden change didn't sit well with me.... so here I am at Special Ops I gave Alex my KS bucket kit to try to make a Swampy from (although the plastic is crazy-thin, so we'll see what happens - he may go Magma Trooper or something else instead), and at some point this fall/winter I am contemplating either a Shadow Scout or maybe even a Magma Trooper. A Swampy and a Magma Trooper - now wouldn't that make an awesome Christmas Card!
  4. Thanks much for the feedback. Understood that once you're approved, you're approved, unless you want to go for 2nd level status.... But I guess my main concern is that, given the suddenness with which other CRLs have been changing lately (BSN making Lancer required, Snowtrooper which recently decided a certain maker's kit was non-approvable, meaning those folks who'd been working on that kit for the prior 8-12 months were now SOL), what if you start a build based on one set of CRL's, but when you finish and submit 3 months later, the CRLs have changed? As this has happened to us in the past, I'm just trying to anticipate potential trouble areas in that regard before jumping in, particularly given that this CRL is a work in progress... Also, another question regarding helmet markings. Are the required markings on the Swamptrooper helmet identical to the current BSN marking requirements? Or are there differences? -Jen
  5. Thank you - I appreciate the advice and can definitely understand that it's easier to add details as you build than to retrofit later... But I guess the next question is, are these details (specifically the butt flap, riding patches, etc) actually part of the Swamptrooper costume per the video game references? It's hard to tell from the screenshots posted on this forum. If the actual Swampy doesn't have riding patches then I probably wouldn't add them in, correct? Or do you think at some point these might be assumed to exist despite the lack of clear screen shots?
  6. Cool, thanks! So these coveralls in black would work as-is (once pockets are removed)? These are the coveralls currently recommended on BSN, but of course you have to add/modify a lot for Scout. http://www.automotiv.../coveralls.html
  7. Hello all - My husband is considering starting on a Swampy very soon (green is his favorite color!), and at some later date I will probably do a Shadow Scout. So, a few questions: - Does anyone have a recommendation for the brand/precise color of green paint? I see the photo refs and approval pics (and cool dancing Swampy pics) and can probably color match, but if anyone has a specific brand/dye lot in mind that would be very helpful. Also, anything to avoid? Here were a couple possibilities I found: would either of these work? The first is Rustoleum hunter green in a can (would need to rig up a sprayer). The second is Rustoleum Emerald Gloss Green in a spray can; http://www.rustoleum...uct.asp?pid=150; http://paint-and-sup...int-679387.aspx; - I know there have been some major changes to the white Scout on BSN in the last few weeks - I guess what was formerly Lancer is now the base standard? Do those changes affect the Swamptrooper at all? Specifically, are the suede riding patches required on the coveralls now for Swampy? Or is it just plain pocketless coveralls with a mandarin style collar? Are vests still optional? Edit: The photo of the flightsuit that accompanies the swamptrooper CRL does not show any modifications to the collar, but does state that the flightsuit must have "appropriate modifications." So is the collar modification required? I can't tell from Dart's photos due to the neckseal. - For boots, I see the green boots need to have black soles. But is any specific style of sole required, i.e. do they need to look like the workboot soles for the regular Scout (except black)? Or will any shoe or boot with a black sole serve as an appropriate base to construct the boot? Thanks much, Boudicca
  8. Got it, thanks! Would the (optional) vest be black then, or would it be green?
  9. Hi all, Am I reading the CRLs correctly in that there is no vest for the Swamp Trooper as there is for the regular Scout?
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