I am posting this here since it is considered a part of the Dark Trooper project, but feel free Mods, to put it where it would be better suited.
I have decided to start a new project, the Imperial Purge Trooper from The Force Unleashed. For those of you that have played the game, you remember the nightmare these guys gave you.
First a little background on the character
Standing at almost 9 ft tall, the Purge Trooper was designed to hunt and kill force users. They utilize an energy blade on their left arm, and also has a personal shield to block attacks. Their armor is made from Duranium armor enhanced with refined cortosis which reduced the damage dealt by lightsaber attacks. The Purge Trooper also has magnetic boots to prevent being force gripped or force pushed. There is also a medium range rocket launcher on the right shoulder to give the Purge Trooper ranged attacks.
Now to the project,
I started off trying to sculpt the helmet by hand. Well, needless to say, that failed miserably. I had managed to get my hands on the original game files for the Purge Trooper, and isolated the helmet from the rest of the model.
From there I uploaded the helmet into Pepakura Designer and unfolded the helmet, printed, glued, ect.
Here is where the project currently stands-
Next step is to fiberglass the helmet and start the bondo work. I will sculpt the details like the vocoder separate and add them later.