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Master Tej

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Master Tej last won the day on August 23 2015

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    Richmond, VA

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  1. Ooh my, what a beautiful bucket! - Master Tej -
  2. Any lead on what the actual boot itself is? - Master Tej -
  3. Ah. Well, at least it was resolved in the end! - Master Tej -
  4. So the neck seal came through, then? - Master Tej -
  5. Much Novatrooper, very hype. Wow. Seriously though, best of luck! We're all looking forward to those approval pics! - Master Tej -
  6. Have no worries about the lid! The standard of quality you're delivering here leaves little in doubt about how well your lid will come out! - Master Tej -
  7. Do you have your approval pics? We'd love to see them. - Master Tej -
  8. http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/2023-how-to-hasbro-e-11-build-with-doopy-doos-kit/ Here's the tutorial, if you'd like. Excellent quality by 007. - Master Tej -
  9. Best of luck! Looking forward to your progress after DragonCon! - Master Tej -
  10. Ah yes, the trusty E-11. - Master Tej -
  11. Much as I hate to say it, I think the point about references is the only point that matters right now. If it doesn't have any references, then the Legion won't approve it. Buuuut you can always try and get a Lucasfilm artist to make references for you. - Master Tej -
  12. This build is looking very good so far! Since your daughter has a Jedi, does she have much experience trooping? - Master Tej -
  13. This is coming along rather nicely, keep it up! - Master Tej -
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